[X&Y] Are Women Using You? (Reader Question)

Published: Tue, 09/24/24

Updated: Tue, 09/24/24


WHAT'S INSIDE:  You're about to hear from a guy who feels like
he totally messed everything up with a woman...so how can he get
her to "come begging" to be back in his life?



Have you ever noticed that some
guys end up with embarrassingly
WRONG women...even though they're
tall, handsome and rich?

What's up with that? I mean, they
were supposed to have EVERY
advantage...and somehow found
themselves "settling" anyway.

Well, in virtually EVERY case,
they didn't have the most important

It's THOSE much more powerful
advantages that will be revealed
in TOMORROW night's Masterclass
For Men:


TOMORROW, 25th September @8pm EDT (GMT -4)


And yes, I'll deliver over 42 of

In addition, did you know there
are "hidden" NATURAL advantages
you may already have going for
you...but never thought of as
"attraction magnets"?

I'll let you in on those, too.

There are also what I call "nuclear
weapons" of attraction that you
can take FULL advantage of just
by doing things slightly differently
than other guys.

And yes, there are legitimately
OVERRATED factors that many guys
get distracted over...but which
actually make almost ZERO impact
on a woman's attraction mechanism.

I'll show you how to AVOID wasting
your time chasing those as well:


TOMORROW, 25th September @8pm EDT (GMT -4)


Once the veil is lifted on what REALLY
pegs a woman's attraction meter, you
are GUARANTEED to see a significant,
measurable increase in women's response
to you...almost immediately

Yes, tickets are going fast. After all,
what guy in his right mind wouldn't want
every real-world advantage in his favor?


TOMORROW, 25th September @8pm EDT (GMT -4)


See you there.

If for some reason you can't make it
tomorrow, you don't have to miss out.
There will be a complete Download Portal
For you shortly afterward.



Hi Scot,

Thanks for your newsletters.  I have learnt a lot.  In fact, I wish
I got them earlier.

I have this lady that worked into my life, albeit briefly as it turns

She is quite attractive in her own way and highly orgasmic.
She visited me and we spent 2 great weeks together in London.

I tried to be nice and willing to offer her anything I could afford
just to make her happy. (I guess my mistake.)

Because of my desire to have and keep her I became needy,
clingy and wussy.

Despite all the nice things I did (paid her air ticket, took her
around London, had dinners, etc.) when she got back home she
called me to tell me that she wasn't sure if it's me she wants.

How do I win her back?  How do I make her come begging?

Thanks from London


Hey man, glad you are enjoying the newsletters.  We got here as
quickly as we could for you.

But now down to business.

Granted, you've already figured out that you did all sorts of needy
things to drive her away.

Given how much we tend to harp about the grave dangers of all that
in these newsletters, I'll spare you the tirade.

But then again, maybe everyone involved here would be better
off if I didn't spare you completely, after all.

When we try to buy a woman's affection it seems utterly obvious to
her that we lack the confidence to believe that who we are as a
"big four" man is enough.

And as soon as you go down that trail, if anything attractive goes on
it basically has little, if anything to do with you. 

You're just the "vehicle". 

That never ends well, unless you particularly enjoy opening up your
wallet and shaking all of your cash out the window.

But here's a point you may not be expecting from me.

And that's this:  I've got to take issue with your choice of words.
I can by no means understand the prospect of this woman returning
to you as "winning" her back.

In fact, based on what you've shared I'd call such an outcome a
catastrophic loss of epic proportions.

Let's take a quick inventory here.

This chick came to stay with you and gladly took everything you
had to offer (including the shirt off your back, basically) for two
full weeks.

It's not like she went out on a two-hour first date with you.  She
freeloaded for half a friggin' month.

And THEN she had the nerve to announce to you when she's safe
and cozy back at home that she doesn't want you after all?

(By the way, you can ignore the "wasn't sure if" part in her
statement to you.)

So here it is:  Why on God's green earth are YOU still interested?

I mean, come on, man.  How much more do you really want to be

What she is doing is pure manipulation in its lowest form.

Think in terms of "The Golden Rule - Reversed" here.  Would you
ever in a million years treat someone the way she has treated you?

If the answer is "no freakin' way", then don't accept being treated
in such a manner by someone else.

I'm sure this female friend of yours is really cute in addition
to being orgasmic.  I'm equally sure she's figured out that she
can get away with having zero character and still get whatever
she wants from most men.

So you were simply next in line.

Let me tell you, manipulators--by definition--are people who fully
know the difference between right and wrong, yet who proceed to do
wrong at the direct expense of those they instinctively know want
to do the right thing.

I ask you, how is that NOT pure evil personified?

I know you've raised the bar on your definition of "high quality
woman" somewhere above the "pure evil" mark.  Right?

But to be honest, I gather from your message that you already
sense that you don't really want her back anyway. 

What you really want is the last word.

You want the satisfaction of knowing that SHE knows she blew it
with a great guy like you.

Well, until you drop that mindset for something more productive
you'll only eat yourself from the inside...all the while demonstrating
to the whole world that you're a chaser who likely has zero options
when it comes to other women.

That's the only conclusion that can be drawn from your willingness
to burn so much energy on a woman who is long gone...for better
OR worse.

Now, you don't want to be THAT guy, right? 

Besides man, it's so unattractive when people beg.

And on top of all else, as pathetic as begging is, it hardly ever
works anyway so it'd be a waste of everyone's time.

Now go find a woman more worthy of your orgasm-bestowing talents,
and be sure to date several women at once on the journey to meeting

And whatever you do, please stop trying so hard to buy women off
with stuff and start letting your masculine "big four" charm carry

Remember, it's YOU she's got to be attracted to...not a bunch of
goodies and a bottomless bank account.

Ironically enough, when you conduct yourself with women as if you
don't have that figured out, the compensation (in every sense of
the word) for what you feel is lacking in personal depth isn't only
obvious like I mentioned above, it sort of comes off as begging.

And as you'll recall, we already concluded that's just ugly.

There's a reason why someone smart once said, "beggars can't be



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