[X&Y] Blow Her Off Like A Rusty Muffler

Published: Sun, 07/07/24

Updated: Wed, 07/10/24


IN THIS EDITION:  Where is the fine line between
"over appreciation" and ignoring her completely?


A while back I had a nice conversation with a former Sports
Illustrated swimsuit edition cover model on Twitter.

I am not making this up.

If you think I'm going to tell all of you who it was and let the
last six or eight creepazoids left on my list hammer her and
embarrass us all, forget it.

But if you really want to know, Twitter streams are public info and
the record exists. She's a sweetheart, and I actually ended up
introducing her to Emily. Go figure...

The point is this: If I'm getting supermodels to respond to me on
Twitter when I'm not even flirting with them, then you should get
your hands on Online Dating Domination 3.0.

When you consider that I met a former Miss Texas USA contestant,
the world's sweetest kindergarten teacher, the hottest flight
attendant at Southwest Airlines, over 100 other amazing women
and my wife Emily on dating sites as well, you can begin to see why
I'm so convinced.

Other guys I've worked with have met former contestants on The
Bachelor, Olympic gymnasts, the local TV weather girl, TV
actresses, NFL cheerleaders and NBA cheerleaders online also.

And YES...even though I've been tough on online dating
lately, there's evidence it's opening back up...
but only for men who know what they're doing.

Seriously, you need to be in on this, once and for all.

The choice is yours.  Let's see:

  1)  Play video games all day wishing you had a woman to hang
  out with.  (While a bunch of other guys are out with women even
  as you fantasize about it.)

  2)  Pay to get on Match.com and quit in frustration after 90
  days of futility, even when the secrets to wild success were
  available to you all along. (Ouch.)

  3)  Dominate your metro area on the dating site of your choice
  (or even Tinder, Twitter AND Facebook, if you'd rather), and get
  all the women for yourself.

Which is it going to be?  If you chose option "3", then here's your


In addition to getting an instant 50% off thanks to an automatically
applied coupon code, I'll give you my groundbreaking method
for writing profiles that make women NEED to meet you.

That's The Projection Profile, of course.

PLUS, you get The Man's Approach and a 30-minute LIVE
with me personally. Both are FREE bonuses.

I'm only keeping the doors open on this most excellent of
opportunities for the next 24 hours only.

Here's the conclusion I've come up with.  If you are unwilling to
act fast to gain mastery in online dating, then you probably will
just let the program gather virtual "e-dust" on your iPod even if
you DO get it.

But if you really sense the opportunity and are ready to make
online dating success happen, you'll be all over this...
especially since I'm giving it to you for half off AND throwing
in the invaluable Projection Profile.

Need all the information on what's included first?  Of course you
do, because there's A LOT there.  I've got your back:


And with that, let's flip the light switch on limiting beliefs and watch
them scurry outside through the hole in the screen door...where they



OK Scot:

I see some conflicting recommendations here in the world of dating
advice. Is seems like your darned if you do, and darned if you

A.  Women like to be put on a pedestal, to feel adored.

B.  NEVER put a woman on a pedestal because they'll think that
they're above you and you'll lose attraction - falling into the
friend zone.


A.  A woman needs to know that she's the only one for you.

B.  Never let a woman think that you only have eyes for her. Make
her  think you're seeing other women.


A.  Play hard to get and she'll chase you down.

B.  Play hard to get and she'll think you're not interested, or
she'll feel inadequate, or even be hurt and will never trust you
again, sort of like cheating on her and expecting her to just
forget about it.

Scot, these three things seem to be sticking points.

If I am with a woman who finds me attractive, she already knows
that other women will too.  I don't need to throw it in her face,

I personally feel that I can let a woman feel that she could be the
only one for me, or that I can adore her, and let her feel that joy
of being seen as wonderful and special.

And I can treat her heart and esteem with respect by not playing
hard to get, because I am always ready to draw the line regarding
how I allow her to treat me.

I am a man, and I am quick to put a stop to anyone who starts to
cross the line, but I just don't like to hurt people for the sake
of gaining control.

I don't want them to stay because they fear I'll go away, I want
them to want to stay because they are happy that I want them to

Maybe for the one night stand guys getting that control is fine,
but to me, what the heck kind of a way to live is that?!

And if a woman needs to be treated that way, what kind of woman
is SHE anyway?

I really enjoy treating women, and my friends in general, very

But if they do something to indicate that they see me as coming
from a place of weakness, my conduct will let them know that I am
not, and that they have one chance to knock it off and treat me
with the respect that I give them, or I am gone.

Plus, I have found that to be honest with my feelings is a great
way to see what a person is made of.

Life is all about testing limits to find and establish the true
balance of a relationship.

That's OK, but when a person shows that they're looking to use me
rather than testing limits with the purpose of making the
relationship the best it can be, then those are the ones that I
walk away from - women or friends in general.

I'll bring in playing sports as an example; when the game starts,
you need to throw a few elbows here and there just to show the
other team that they'd better respect you because you're there to
win and aren't a pushover.

So, I do understand that ultimately it could be in everyone's best
interest to play a few games in the beginning, not just show your
hand right off the bat.

It's important to keep things from getting out of control and
heading in the wrong direction, to set parameters, tell others how
to treat you, see what the person is made of, and to just plain
take it slow and build a foundation.

Then, if everything indicates that there's something worthwhile
happening, there will be something substantial to build the rest of
the relationship on from there.

By the way, I plan on sending you some comments on
The Leading Man soon.  WOW!

Take care,

Frank (White Plains, NY)


Hello Frank, and thanks for writing

You bring up some excellent points that are thought through
very well.

And I trust it won't surprise you to hear that I essentially
agree with everything you've said.  (Well, except maybe
the part about "playing games" being necessary at times.)

And as such, there's a rather disarmingly simple solution to
your dilemma about the apparent contradictions between the
various types of advice you've read surrounding the idea of
"adoring" women. 

Mostly, the point is not to pre-approve or go 'ga-ga' over a woman
you don't or barely know. 

Once you have chosen her from a pool of many options, however,
then she has earned your very real adoration.

You see, it's desperate, needy and pushy men who are likely to
suffer from real, live, full-blown "pedestal-itis".  And women can
smell it a mile away, believe me.

In fact, the thought pattern that races through a woman's mind when
guys who don't even know her fawn over her goes something like this:

  "If he's already so convinced he needs me in his life without even
  knowing what I'm like yet, then he's never going to respect me
  for anything more than my outward appearance.  What I really need
  is a man who sees me as more than a pretty face and has the
  wherewithal to discover the depth of what I can offer in addition
  to that."

No kidding.  This goes way beyond her simply thinking guys who
suffer from "pedestal-itis" aren't in her league.  There's real,
live logic behind the disgust she feels.

Think about it.  Put the shoe on the other foot for a quick second.

Let's say you're a multi-gazillionaire.  And when you drive up to a
club in your Bentley, women flock to your car before you even get

(Listen, I fully realize even that is a long shot...but bear with me for
the sake of illustration.)

Would you seriously consider for a minute that any of those women
are ready to build a relationship of any real depth with you? 

Can they possibly value you apart from the dollar signs they're
already associating with you?

Sure, all that unqualified female attention may sound nice...at

But if you were in fact a multi-gazillionaire, my educated guess is
that you would start spraying your milk-bone underwear with gold
digger repellent every morning of your life...sooner than later.

Ever see "Coming To America" with Eddie Murphy?  If so, you get my
drift.  You'd want a woman who "stimulates your mind as well as
your loins".

And you'd run away from women who seemed so single-minded in their

So in exactly the same fashion, guys who put women on pedestals
early and often are the ones who lose. 

And by "lose", I mean they not only lose out on the pretty women
themselves, they lose out on having any relationship of depth in
their lives. 

Women have a lot more to offer than just sex.  And if you don't
yet realize that, you're a "newbie" to the joys of igniting
femininity and enjoying it.  'Nuff said.

But as a man who doesn't' suffer from "pedestal-itis", if you
approach a woman who you find attractive you can even go so fa
as to tell her so.

BUT...you can only do that if you are a man who has options, and
you have every intention of evaluating any woman you meet fully
before deciding to go exclusive with her, let alone making any
long-term plans with her.

Yes, you can bet your bottom dollar that women love to be
appreciated for their beauty. 

But that alone isn't anything new, exciting or...wait for it...
confidence inspiring to a truly high quality woman.

A high quality woman is literally rocked to her core by a man who
has enough character to not only step up to the plate and swing for
the fence (by even approaching her), but who also tests and
approves her to make sure she has the "whole package" before
making any commitments to her.

That's what really makes her feel appreciated...in the most
meaningful sense.

As for being "hard to catch", you should be.  It must not be an

Yes, you've got to be honest with a woman about your intentions to
take things slow at first.

You've got to value exclusivity very highly, and not just jump into
those sort of relationships.  Tell her that's how you view things.

In the interim, until you decide to go exclusive with her (or
anyone else, for that matter), you absolutely, positively should be
meeting as many women as you can.

Then you remain a man of your word.

And when she rises to become the woman you favor the most--by
far--she'll know it.  Probably even before you ask her to be your
steady girlfriend. 

She'll know it because you had choices.  And you chose her.

Meanwhile, chasers will never have a snowball's chance in Yuma, AZ
of conveying that kind of security to a woman.

At that point, yes...you can proceed to reassure her every day of
your life that she's the one for you.  She'll know that she earned

And by all means, for your part don't ever change.  Perpetually be
the "big four" man who truly deserves her also.

Now finally, bear in mind that even then you should never make a
woman your core "ambition". 

Your life purpose apart from her always has to be #1 or she'll
be very uncomfortable with the role of "supporting" you--even if
emotionally rather than materially.

There's no safety and security in that for her because SHE would
represent the masculine goals and the plan you're supposed to have
that are actually meant to free her from any concern in that area.

Once again, the "big four" man rules...as always.



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