[X&Y] 3 Golden Rules Of Drinking On Dates

Published: Thu, 07/18/24

Updated: Thu, 07/18/24


IN THIS EDITION: The waiter or bartender takes your drink order.
What are you having? Choose wisely, because women are watching...



Imagine this.

That hot, sexy girlfriend of yours USED to date some other guy.

But nowadays, he can only roll his eyes in frustration at what
he sees.

That's because when HE dated her, she was...well...let's call it

She sent mixed signals, introduced him to people as her "friend",
and gave him "the cheek" every time he tried to kiss her.

Eventually, she told him she "just didn't see him that way" and
cut him off.

In abject frustration, he accused her of being a "tease" on the
way out the door.

But nowadays, that very same woman can't stop throwing her arms
around YOUR neck and kissing YOU constantly.

Whenever you're around others (including her ex), she's always
hinting that she wants to "leave and go somewhere more private".

And the clincher: When other jealous guys demand an answer from
her as to why a woman like her would be going out with a guy like
you, she giggles a little as she says:

"Because he's GREAT in bed."

Wait a minute. We're talking about the VERY SAME WOMAN here.

What made the difference?

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How do you figure out what to drink when out on a first date with a

Many guys don't give a shred of thought to this topic, even in the
moment.  But they should.

That's because what you drink subcommunicates a TON about who
you are as a man, and women tend to read the signals like a cheap

So then, what should you keep in mind?

1)  Consider Skipping Alcoholic Beverages

A lot of us treat "drinks after work" as sort of a default choice
for a first meeting.  And granted, it's a better idea than "dinner
and a movie".

But I'm still not convinced your best chance at a first impression
will EVER include alcohol.

Granted, if you've specifically designed the get-together around
meeting for a drink at a trendy wine bar or whatever, then I don't
think that having a glass of Cabernet is going to be a deal-breaker.

What I do know, however, is that women have finely-tuned radar to
detect guys who might be alcoholics.  And ending up with an
alcoholic, of course, is every woman's worst nightmare.

So here it is.  Don't let all those episodes of Mad Men fool you.

Your best interests are MUCH better served if you forego ordering
an alcoholic beverage on a first date, especially right at the

Go ahead and let her order first, at the very least.  Never mind
that's the way it should be anyway, this strategy gives you a
distinct edge:  You know whether SHE'S comfortable with drinking
on first dates or not.

Granted, some women will definitely be down to drink like a fish.
You can form whatever first impression of her you'd like based on
that, but knowing where you stand is a good thing regardless.

If she orders a drink, you can follow suit.  In fact, maybe you
should so she doesn't feel weird.  But no more than one, I'd
say, especially if you're driving.

And it helps your cause if you select something that's no harder
than what she's having.  In other words, don't one-up her glass of
sangria with a double Johnny Walker Black.  As a matter of fact,
even if SHE orders a "stiff one" have a beer anyway.

Moderation is a good idea for at least two reasons.  In addition to
helping along her all-important sense of safety and security in
your presence, you'll have preserved your ability to maintain good
observation and judgment skills without sacrificing your composure.

Oh, and for what it's worth, contrary to what you may have
been told to expect, good sex worth having is NEVER better
with alcohol.

2)  If It's Fruity, Forgettaboutit

This one is less pragmatic than the first, but still important.

Although I've already told you why drinking hard liquor isn't
necessarily a good first impression, in the name of all that is
right and good in this world, PLEASE still drink like a man
nevertheless.  Show this poor, deprived woman what masculinity
looks like.

As a general rule, if it's got fruit in it it's a bad idea.  Red
wine is the sole exception that springs to mind.  Even white wine
would have to be chosen carefully.  If you must drink white, make
it a dry one like a Chardonnay,  or better yet, a Sauvignon Blanc.

Whipped concoctions with little umbrellas in them are obvious
offenders, but the Texan in me would recommend avoiding "fruity"
beer too, including beer with orange slices on the rim.

I'd even skip the Mexican beers with lime unless I'm in Mexico.

3)  Watch Out Or Get Waterlogged

I've saved the shortest and sweetest one for last.

Be sure to monitor your intake even of the "unleaded" stuff.

Trust me, it's easy when talking and having a great time with a
woman to drain about six 32-ounce Diet Cokes without even
thinking about it.  This is especially true if refills are free and the
waitress isn't interrupting you to ask.

That massive "liquid rental" is going to have to be returned sooner
than later, and you can bet your need to hit the men's room about
six times in a half-hour period will come at the WRONG time.  Bank
on it.

Though it's been about details for sure, I trust today's edition
will give you an extra edge out there the next time you're with a
woman.  Why let what you drink unnecessarily limit your success
with her, right?



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