[X&Y] Supercharge Your Sexual Confidence -- No Effort Required

Published: Sat, 07/20/24

Updated: Sat, 07/20/24


WHAT'S INSIDE: You should be able to get the women
you're most attracted to. Here's why.



She's about as sexy as possible. Her bright eyes and happy
personality practically beg you to strike up a conversation with

But you don't...again. Something holds you back like a force

And worse, you spend the rest of the day kicking yourself for
missing out on such a golden opportunity to meet a terrific girl.

Yet...you get this nagging feeling that you wouldn't have known
what to say to her anyway...

Well, never again...

Always Have The Right Words At The Right Time

How much would it mean to you to NEVER have to worry about
"dead air" or "awkward silences" ever again?

And what if you had the confidence to boldly talk to any and every
without ever drawing a blank?

Maybe the woman you have your eye on is outgoing and talkative.

Perhaps she's shy and quiet.

She might even turn out to be be amazingly quick with a laser-
sharp wit.

It doesn't matter what she's like. You can automatically say the
right thing to her, every single time. Check it out:

No More Awkward Silences...Ever



Your father not only had sex with a real, live woman, he
reproduced and his family name lived on.

And your grandfather did likewise.

So did his father, and so on and so on...all the way through
the Dark Ages, the Bronze Age and the Ice Age back to the
caveman days...even back to Adam and Eve if you'll venture
to measure that far.

So now it's your turn.

Yes, it's that uncomplicated.

Countless generations of males in your family successfully mated
with women who were at least hot enough to give them a hard on
and make them blow a load. 

I'd dare say it was more than one "load" each, too, in order to
make the magic happen. Women don't tend to get pregnant so
easily and go full-term in the real world, especially the prehistoric

And to be sure, we're talking about an uninterrupted sequence of
males who have successfully had sex with women for the last
200,000 years, according to scientific estimates as to the history
of "anatomically modern" humans.

What...do you really think there's something so different and
unfortunate about you that you were born to break that winning

Stop flattering yourself. You have everything within you to
attract the type of women you were literally born to be with.

Hey, I'm really sorry if you've bought into the "it's not your
fault" marketing tactics found elsewhere, but hang with me here.

The way I see it, if the "success with women" problem is yours
then it's within your power to solve it.

That should be an immense relief to you.

  "But Scot, the 21st century has brought with it too many
  challenges to male/female relations."

  "But Scot, it's not like we're paired with some girl by our
  parents at age 12 automatically anymore. It's different
  nowadays...we've got to go find a 'willing' woman ourselves."

  "But Scot, we've got a 'global village' nowadays. These
  women can choose from any guy in the world who 'swipes

  "But Scot, InCels, #MGTOWS, etc."

My answer to each of those objections is the same. Every new
challenge has brought with it a new convenience to match. And
all of us as guys are in this together.

The "swipe right" milieu, for example, is there for you as much as
it is for any other man...or woman, for that matter.

Will you position yourself to attract women, or will you let your
excuses govern your choices?

For the past several summers I've had the pleasure of roadtripping
through the western United States with my family. We've visited
all of the major National Parks in the process, most of them in the
middle of freaking nowhere.

At most of the parks we've happened across female rangers who
were plenty cute and very sweet. Most of you wouldn't have
minded going out on a date or two with them, at the very least.

I mean, you should have seen all three of the cuties working the
front desk at Wrangell-St. Elias NP's visitor center. Look that place
up if you haven't heard of it. It's about as remote as it gets.

But you'll likely never meet any of these women. Nor will any other
guy, probably.

They were all clearly dateless, mostly because of the lifestyle they
had freely chosen.

They were literally out in the middle of the wilderness--miles and
miles from the nearest town of 1000 people or more.

How will things end up for them ultimately? I have no idea. But I
do know this--were they in a major city like New York or Cincinnati
they'd have guys beating down their door.

Back in the mid-'90s I actually took the test to be a United States
Border Patrol Agent. I passed with flying colors. I was hounded
with calls by the hiring officers because my test scores were

But I had found out through the grapevine that newbies without
seniority were sent to the absolute "boonies" along the U.S./
Mexico border.

I instinctively knew that I enjoyed the company of women too
much to take a job like that.

So what about you? Are you making decisions in this life that
increase your probability of meeting hot, sexy women? Or are
you--consciously or subconsciously--actually sabotaging your
manifest destiny as passed along by your ancestors?

Your family name itself depends on how you answer that
question, and that's no exaggeration (unless you live in

I'll talk to you again soon.



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