[X&Y] I Will Write Your Custom-Crafted Projection Profile For You

Published: Thu, 07/25/24

Updated: Thu, 07/25/24




First things first...  Yes, it's true. These days I recommend getting
OFF the dating apps and sticking to long-form dating sites like
Match or Zoosk.

At this point, apps are more frustrating than effective for everyone
...across the board.

But for the purposes of this newsletter, let's talk about what
WORKS, not what doesn't.

Well, when I first started teaching The Projection Profile
method of writing online dating profiles several years ago, it
made an instant impact.

The first group who beta-tested it were a hand-picked cadre of
Ten-Plus men, and I gave them all the assistance they needed
in order to perfect it.

The results exceeded even my expectations. 

It was insane.  Even other dating coaches started talking about
it. Interview requests started pouring in.

Women weren't simply writing these guys back, they were all but
demanding to meet them. 

And when they wrote, it wasn't like they simply said, "I like your
profile" or anything generic like that.

They were straight-up mesmerized, as if suddenly convinced the
man behind what they just read HAD to be perfect for them.

The magic words, "You're amazing!" were commonplace.

The most incredible part was women weren't just responding,
they were actively selling the guy on why they were so wonderful
for him.

Nobody had ever heard of that happening before, apart from
questionable "locker room" talk.

So what in the world made such a revolutionary difference?

Well, there are lots of nuanced explanations as to why The
Projection Profile caught lightning in a bottle.

But the secret to its effectiveness was--and remains--essentially

1)  The profiles wildly succeeded at STANDING OUT from the
generic masses...the "holy grail" when it comes to online profiles.

2)  The profiles leveraged proven human psychological principles
to create extreme intrigue, while simultaneously convincing women
that the guy behind it was THE right one for them.

3)  Most importantly, the profiles succeeded BEST with exactly
the kind of women the writer most wanted to meet.

All good.  However, there's ONE very real caveat to The
Projection Profile.

It's NOT EASY to get right.

I've always known this, and that's why I've continued to have
backup strategies for the guys who just don't have the knack
for it.

There's no shame in that, of course. I mean, I hire a web guy
and a video graphic artist for the same reason: It's not my thing.

So there has always been a "civil war" in my head over whether
or not to simply write Projection Profiles for you guys instead
of teaching the method, thereby making it easier on everyone.

But the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back" was when
Match.com started what would be a short-lived profile writing

Knowing they benefit most by KEEPING people on their site, on
a hunch I searched out people who had actually bought and tried
their service.

Feedback was consistent:  "This is 100% generic, and it sure
isn't ME."

A simple search of the site revealed they were doing nothing
more than cobbling together a number of pre-fabricated
paragraphs to users based on keywords. That's the diametric
OPPOSITE to standing out from the crowd, right?

Well, that was it.

It was time for me to start writing profiles for you guys...

...and not just ANY profile, but the very type of high-powered
Projection Profiles my best Ten-Plus guys have long-since been
enjoying the results of.

It wore me out. I soon shut the doors because it was overwhelming.

But now, nearly two years later...I've reopened the doors for a
VERY limited time.

What's in it for you?

Well first, my goals are different than Match.com's. I measure
success by how FAST you can get a bevy of beauties into your
life, culminating in the RIGHT one...not by how many months (or
years) you can stay a member.

Also, I have a proven system that drive women WILD for you, and
I know how to fully leverage it. You're getting direct, personalized
service from the guy who invented the system and has over 18
years of experience with online dating, not some anonymous "copy

So as of today, YES...you can hire me to write your entire Projection
Profile for you, with guaranteed results.

It will be custom-crafted for you personally. There will not be another
like yours online...not even close.

And since this isn't a full-on coaching program, it's MUCH more

In fact, it's $197...including up to two revisions, feedback on your
pictures and even some ninja new tips on how to write first e-mails:

Projection Proflie - Full Service

And yes, I'll still shoot for a 72-hour turnaround, at least for the first
ones of you who take advantage of this.

As soon as you order, I'll send you the link to a quick questionnaire.

I've worked diligently to make it as brief as possible.

When you complete it, I'll have everything I need to write you a custom-
crafted Projection Profile that attracts the women YOU want while also
making sure you can live up to it in real life. (That last part is important.)

Some of you have been asking me for this for years. I've finally
come around and am ready to write your Projection Profile for you:

Projection Proflie - Full Service

I don't think it's a stretch to say that the VERY FIRST woman you 
meet who is EXACTLY who you're looking for will make this all

Let me get on this for you. It's time women fully realized you're
amazing...and told you so.



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