[X&Y] This Is No Fluke. It's Supposed To Happen For YOU.

Published: Sat, 07/27/24

Updated: Sat, 07/27/24


IN THIS EDITION: This is supposed to happen FOR
you, not TO you.




I've been with the wrong woman, and after that
ended disastrously I made sure to end up with the
RIGHT one.

I don't have enough words to adequately express
how much richer my life is nowadays as a direct

BUT...simply having Emily in my life wasn't enough.

We also went about building the RIGHT relationship

You know, the kind other people are jealous of.

It's true we absolutely, positively "walk the talk"
nowadays, as we always have.

Our marriage is what we say it is, and what you
think it is.

Now its YOUR turn.

Isn't it time you got both the RIGHT woman and
the RIGHT relationship with her?

After over a decade of solid track-record, Emily
and I finally felt ready to spill every one of our

Consider Get Together, Stay Together your very
best insurance policy against becoming another
sad "statistic" in a world of TOO many divorces:

You Need A Woman Like THIS In Your Life (Pics)



Right now you get 50% off AND a free copy of my
program The Leading Man on relationship



Not long ago I wrote to you about how lots of guys seem to
underestimate their own ability to achieve greatness with women.

I got lots of feedback on that.  Some from guys who found that
message to be a tremendous boost, and some from guys who--you
guessed it--think I'm full of it.

So I figured I'd share some of this feedback with you:

First, here's a note from Craig in the UK:

I emailed you a while ago thanking you for giving me the courage
through your work not to settle but to break up with my girlfriend
of 2 years, who although she was a great girl, wasn't my 10.
Well, after breaking up (which was difficult!!) I met a beautiful
girl at the end of August and immediately we both knew this was
IT!!  We got engaged yesterday and I have never been so captivated
by anyone.  

She has beauty, character, intelligence, humour and believes (like
me) that the guy should take the lead in the relationship.  I did
this right from the start - planning dates, picking her up, being a
MAN - and she LOVED it.
What you teach works.  Character and being a masculine man who
leads is what every girl wants deep down.
Thanks and God Bless,


Obviously, I'm thrilled for Craig.  But it's odd how just below
Craig's message in my inbox was this anonymous "unsubscribe"

I accepted failure as a human being and gave up trying to have
relationships.  I shall spend my days alone and childless. Sux 2 B

Now I have to tell you, there's nothing I'd rather do than reach
out through the Internets and do whatever I could to convince this
guy otherwise.  

After all, based on what I've seen out there thus far, I find
myself believing that were you to take a look at Craig and Mr.
Anonymous side-by-side you'd see two perfectly normal guys.

The difference?  

One actually TOOK ACTION in his life and MADE SOMETHING

The other implied "trying", but as James Clear would say in his
book Atomic Habits, "doing" and "acting" are two different things.  

Think about it.  Whenever someone says, "I'll try" to do something,
what usually happens?  You got it:  NOTHING.

Granted, I could be way off base here about both guys being regular
guys.  But I'll bet I'm not.  After all, I've seen even guys with
TREMENDOUS bona fide personal challenges do amazingly well with

The bottom line?  Whoever you are, I can give you solid information
and coach you to greatness with women.  But I can't actually DEPLOY
for you.

I can teach you to "skydive", but ONLY YOU can jump out of the

So again...I believe 100% that you can achieve greatness with
women.  I trust you do also, and are ready to get on with it.



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