[X&Y] Leapfrog
Published: Sat, 07/27/24
Updated: Sat, 07/27/24
IN THIS EDITION: What you can REALLY expect from having a great
woman in your life, and a little incentive to make it happen THIS YEAR...
A shocking number of guys go a LONG time without having a
decent woman in their lives.
In fact, many never have ANY women to spend time with at all,
let alone a "decent" one.
So it's no wonder so many guys wind up marrying the first girl
who shows interest in them, as long as she can fog a mirror
and shaves her armpits occasionally.
Believe me, you do NOT want to be that guy.
Otherwise, you might find yourself using the excuse, "Hey...plenty
of people have nobody, so at least I'm not one of THEM anymore."
But then the "red flags" you saw right from the very start (but
ignored) turn into full blown, raging wildfires.
She goes from being a little moody sometimes to being constantly
angry and unreasonable.
"A few extra pounds" as advertised on her online dating profile
balloons into over 100 of them.
Or worse...her annoying habit of "staying in touch with guy friends"
on Facebook turns into a torrid weekend tryst with an ex-boyfriend...
...behind your back, of course.
Yet, she somehow finds a way to twist everything into being YOUR
fault, making your life even MORE miserable.
Basically, I'm describing your WORST nightmare, right?
Look, finding yourself in such a painful and humiliating
relationship is NOT a foregone conclusion.
Despite the high divorce rate--and even HIGHER rate of overall
dissatisfaction in relationships--you really, truly CAN meet the
right woman and build an amazing, fulfilling life together with her.
Knowing that first-hand, I have to tell you...there's nothing more
important in this life than choosing the right woman and running
your relationship with her like a real man should.
Unfortunately, that's turning into a lost art.
Well, not if I can help it.
Sure, the legion of "men going their own way" (aka #MGTOW)
is growing daily. But I have yet to happen across ANY who are
genuinely happy men.
That's why Get Together, Stay Together is quite possibly my
most mission-critical program:
50% OFF GTST + The Leading Man FREE
We all want a great woman to come home to. What we DON'T want is
to land in divorce court, paying a BIG price for an even BIGGER
mistake of being with the wrong woman.
The only thing worse than that would be to somehow stumble into a
relationship with a truly beautiful, virtuous high quality woman...only
to screw things up ourselves because we just weren't properly
equipped to build a solid relationship with her.
Just to make sure you're best equipped for long-term success, I've
also included a free copy of my classic program The Leading Man
with this promo.
That's a $97 value by itself, and it's stacked with all the knowledge
and skills you need to manage relationships with women on the
way to finding the woman of your dreams.
The combo of Get Together, Stay Together and The Leading
Man is the best insurance policy there is against divorce lawyers.
You Need A Woman Like THIS In Your Life (Pics)
Want to find a woman you can build a real legacy with? Remember...
she's not just your closest partner in this life, she's going to be the
mother of your future sons and daughters.
You've just GOT to get this right...from start to finish. And I've
got your back:
You Need A Woman Like THIS In Your Life (Pics)
You just won't get many chances like this to take care of something
so important for far less than what you might spend on just one bad
date with the wrong woman.
Look at what I JUST received from Richard in Germany, even as
I'm writing this:
...if you haven't already, I would really love for you to do a future
Masterclass on the topic of having a life beside women or a life
purpose that is independent of women or at least hear your
perspective on this.
Well Richard, a Masterclass on that topic may in fact be in the
works, but for now you've come to the right place.
Because the "great secret" I'm sharing with you is called "The
Leapfrog Effect".
And here it is: Once you have a great woman in your life, your
focus and execution when it comes to what represents your major
life purpose is about to exponentially increase.
So actually, your life purpose doesn't really happen
independently from having a woman in your life, but is
amplified by her presence.
How's that for a mind blower?
Here's what I mean. After my divorce in 2002, I turned my
attention to getting better with women.
But the rest of my life was a mess.
I won't lie to you. My physical fitness suffered, my relationships
with friends suffered, even my career suffered.
But I accomplished the goal of getting a great woman in my life,
dating lots of women and continuously "raising the bar"...right up
until I met Emily.
But once I selected my "100 out of 100" (and those of you who have
read Wildly Successful Dating Life know what I'm talking about),
THAT'S when I entered the latest (and current) stage of my life.
Today I wake up in the morning changing more lives for the better
than I ever have. My work is more fulfilling, and my sense of
meaning clearer than ever also.
You see, when you recognize that it's time to get your level of
success with women where it needs to be, it's REALLY easy to think
that the be all/end all is having a great woman--especially having
read some of the sales pitches out there.
I mean, some of them would have you think that getting ANY woman
would be the "be all / end all".
But here's the reality: Once she's THERE, you then move on to
GREATER accomplishments with her as your cheerleader.
So it's like WHAM...It's as if you've barely had time to bask in the
glory of getting a great woman in your life, when you realize that
the true gift goes WAY, WAY beyond that.
YES...she most certainly fulfills upon what only a great woman
uniquely can. In the bedroom, outside of the bedroom, everywhere.
She is the jewel in your crown as King Of All You Survey.
No "greener grass" elsewhere. Ever. That box is checked
And having a great woman in your life means PARTNERSHIP. Like I
said, she's your cheerleader. A great woman supports a great man
in his dreams, and believes in his leadership.
This propels you to GREATNESS. Did you know that all but one U.S.
president were married men?
You are empowered by that woman's utter belief in you, even as you
dare not breach the trust inspired by your leadership as a man of
Her inspiration is the fuel that feeds the engine of your ambition.
And, of course, the greater the woman, the higher-octane the fuel.
End up "settling" for a woman who thinks "all men are dogs", and
you might as well fill your tank with tap water.
If she's the "jealous type", afraid of success or out to make both
of your lives miserable in some other way; pour a pound of sugar in
the tank with the tap water.
If you don't happen to be a "car guy", let's just say "don't try
that at home".
So yes...getting a great woman in your life is an amazing feat of
accomplishment. And make no mistake, it is exactly that.
But in doing so, you "leapfrog" WAY AHEAD of where you'd be in just
about any aspect of life without her.
And you "leapfrog" WAY AHEAD of other guys who don't yet have that
It happens at work, on the basketball court, and even in LIFE
EXPECTANCY. Statistics prove that happily married guys LIVE
Now listen up. I'm not telling you any of this to bum you out if
you haven't found a great woman just yet.
Quite the opposite, in fact. I want to ENCOURAGE you that the goal
you're looking at isn't only REACHABLE, but that the STAKES ARE
BIGGER than you perhaps have ever imagined.
In short, this is SO WORTH GETTING RIGHT because "The Leapfrog
Effect" is SO PROFOUND as to affect every single corner of your
So here it is. Much of this year is already water under the bridge.
Decide right here and now to make THIS year THE year.
In 2006 I made the same pact with myself. I was enjoying dating,
but it was time to move on to a life with the greatest woman I'd
ever met.
So you can do this. And I've got your back all the way.
And let me confirm a suspicion you may have.
Yes...you can throw "natural game" out the window.
I, like you, have a brain in my head and realize that there is
learned skill involved here. Telling you how a child prodigy picked
up a violin and started playing at age 3 or something is NOT going
to make you into a virtuoso.
Giving you violin lessons, on the other hand, might.
I want to see YOU meet the greatest woman ever THIS YEAR, and
put "The Leapfrog Effect" into action for yourself.
It all starts with a 25-minute phone call. You can talk to me directly, and
we'll put a plan of action together that's customized for you:
The only question remaining is, do YOU want this bad enough to make
it happen? If so, there's no stopping until the goal is reached. Period.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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