[X&Y] Are Women Really Human?
Published: Sun, 11/03/24
Updated: Sun, 11/03/24
WHAT'S INSIDE: Having read the subject line
of this e-mail, my guess is that you're thinking
it's a silly question. But here's the thing...it's a
question a lot of us as guys really need to check
ourselves on.
of this e-mail, my guess is that you're thinking
it's a silly question. But here's the thing...it's a
question a lot of us as guys really need to check
ourselves on.
...And very FEW ever master it.
...Get it WRONG, and disaster tends to strike.
...But YET, when you get it right women
absolutely eat out of your hand.
The pressure can feel overwhelming.
Is it any wonder the very word strikes fear
into the hearts of men everywhere?
I'm talking about FLIRTING, of course.
Well, my friend and podcast co-host for
the current episode, Jim Wolfe, has a
program for that:
Flirting Master
When you see how little he's letting all these
GOLDEN secrets go for, you'll realize right
away this is a NO BRAINER.
Just the bonus by itself is probably worth
double the price of the entire program.
It includes VIDEO DEMOS on exactly what
kind of flirting WORKS, and what DOESN'T.
Don't miss out on this:
Flirting Master
OK, lookit. I realize that there are a TON of
ladies who read this newsletter.
So before I even open up the proverbial "can
of worms" that this newsletter implies, I want
everyone to know up front that it's a rhetorical
So hang with me here. Deal?
With that out of the way, I have to say I was
in the mood to stir the pot today with a
particularly preposterous newsletter title.
And without a doubt, asking such a ridiculous
question accomplishes that goal.
But the more I talk to guys all over the world,
the more I realize how much we as guys really
need to ask ourselves stuff like this.
I mean sure, all but the most psychopathic
and pathologically misguided of us as guys
fully understand, at least at the conscious
level, that women are homo sapiens just like
we are.
But are we OKAY with that?
And are we GLAD about that?
Someone is asking, "What do you mean,
Well, it's just that very often what we DO
appears to challenge what we'd SAY we think
is true about men and women being equally
For starters, a lot of what I see written out
there appears to presuppose that we see
women as the "enemy".
Such dating advice comes from an "us vs.
them" mentality where MOTOS (members of
the other sex) require some sort of trickery
and/or manipulation in order for them to
"comply" with our desires.
Think "Seduce And Conquer" a la Tom
Cruise's character in that weird Magnolia
flick, and you're on the right track here.
Now, we instinctively know that none of that
crap would work on US, yet we remain
convinced that women would somehow
respond more positively to it than we would.
That could only be because they're some
sort of non-human life form whose mind
works differently from ours.
And by the way, this appears to be a
concept that's NOT gender-specific. Lots of
"lady gurus" out there are busy teaching
women how to trick men into marrying them,
and so forth.
So you could definitely say that there are
plenty of women out there also who
legitimately need to ask themselves if they
believe MEN are really human.
It's all rather ironic, isn't it?
After all, the simple fact that BOTH men
AND women go around operating as if the
opposite gender is a different species from
their own itself points to the fact that we
probably think more alike than differently,
and are therefore probably of a similar class
of mammals after all.
But hey...who wants to think that hard on a
Back to the main point. Here's something
else to think about.
It really appears to be almost universal that
we think of relationships in terms of getting
what WE want.
The question then becomes a matter of
how we can get a woman to satisfy OUR
Again, this proves that we aren't quite
considering women to be as human as we
are, at least consciously.
Were that the case, we'd obviously spend
more time figuring out how to represent
ourselves to another human being as the
solution to what SHE wants.
After all, we already know that when a
woman seems to us like she's our "dream
woman" we're unbelievably (and perhaps
even irrationally) attracted to her.
So who's zooming who here? If women
are human also, then it follows logically
that they have "dreams" also.
And if she's in fact as human as postulated
herein, you can bet your shorts that her
"dream" isn't to meet all of your needs with
none of hers having been met, right?
Simply put...the BEST way to attract women
is to recognize that their attraction
mechanism works EXACTLY like ours does.
That sounds like a reasonable assumption,
And guess what? In case it's not self-
evident at this point, THAT whole line of
thinking isn't a gender specific one either.
Women who care not to recognize that we
as guys don't really find being "monopulated"
exciting don't generally succeed in the dating
world either...even as they wonder how to
figure our "species" out.
About now you may be thinking you've got it
all handled in this department...and if so,
that's outstanding.
Because believe me, if you really, truly are
past the first two ideas I've thrown on the
table here you're WAY ahead of 95% of the
dating pool.
But wait...there's more. And this last bit of
info could really be the "kicker".
What's the most frequent scenario that
causes us as guys to suppose women must
be something OTHER than "human"?
That's when we feel REJECTED by them.
As in ALL of them.
This isn't only the most frequent cause of
this particular mindset, it's also the
Why is that?
Here's the deal.
Whenever we find ourselves striking out time
after time when we attempt to approach and
relate to women, we find ourselves in a
seriously UNCOMFORTABLE position.
Well, duh. Right?
I mean, who LIKES repeated disapproval by
women, especially by women we'd LOVE to
approve of us?
Human nature all but dictates that when we
feel pain we find some way to GET RID of it,
or at least lessen the sting a bit.
And how do we do that? By OFFLOADING
the "blame" from ourselves.
Think about it. Being the "victim" instead
of taking responsibility for our own hurt really
does work as a temporary "band-aid", doesn't
So then, when we find that women don't
respond to us the way we'd like, the easy way
out is to make it THEIR problem.
Women are "crazy". Women are "flaky".
Women "don't know what they want". Women
"can't be trusted". Women "like to reject men".
"Women...you can't live with 'em, and you
can't shoot 'em."
Ah...the tell-tall words of a man who truly fails
to see the similarities between men and women.
That is, the HUMAN ones.
Meanwhile, don't kid yourself. Women all over
the world are bemoaning the fact that they "can't
find a decent man"...even though they've just
said "maybe not" to about ten of us in a row.
And that might be the SAME woman who'd
recently gone through a string of about half a
dozen guys who "loved her and left her".
For her, the "protection mechanism" is the
same as it is for us as guys: It's MEN who have
the problem, sub-human species such that they
But here's the even crazier part. Neither men
nor women end up any closer to building high-
quality relationships with MOTOS by thinking
that way.
In fact, the OPPOSITE is true, tragically.
And that, my friends, is where this conversation
comes full-circle.
So many of us--men and women--are so busy
trying to get what we want at the expense of
those we'd love to love us that we don't even
realize the extent of how much MOTOS are
repulsed by the idea of NOT getting what THEY
Meanwhile, it's fascinating to me the correlation
between being a "big four" human being
(confident, sexually polarized as masculine man
or feminine woman, able to make MOTOS feel
secure with you, strong character) and having
no problem recognizing MOTOS as fully human
...just as ourselves.
And those people--male or female--tend to be
the ones who succeed at dating and


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