[X&Y] Psycho Women
Published: Fri, 11/08/24
Updated: Fri, 11/08/24
IN THIS EDITION: Here is a somewhat necessary follow-up to
that bit on psycho girlfriends I sent you yesterday.
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I got an unprecedented amount of feedback from that newsletter
about crazy women I sent you yesterday. So much so that I
recognized the clear need for a detailed response.
First off, while it's true that I've been at this long enough that
almost nothing surprises me anymore, I couldn't believe how
many of you sent me messages vehemently defending your
psycho girlfriends and your twisted, dysfunctional relationships
with them.
The recurring theme was, "It's not her fault or mine...and even
women like her need love too."
You know what? I'm not going to argue with any of that.
And apparently, a lot of you consider yourself up to that
challenge. That's your own (potentially disastrous) decision.
But crazy women need to find someone OTHER than me to love
Call me selfish, but I'm not willing to let my own life be ruined as
collateral damage.
I've been married to a crazy woman before, and I'm now married
to a perfectly sane one.
And I can honestly say I have never in fifteen years of knowing
Emily experienced even ONE DAY as jacked up as nearly
EVERY DAY was in my seven years with my first wife.
However, if you steadfastly count yourself among the lot who are
more willing to roll the dice, I invite you to also consider this.
There were also a couple of guys who chimed in about a certain
red flag I wrote about in another newsletter a while back:
"She'd Already Be In Jail Were She A Man".
Specifically, they questioned my statement that there's one
code of law that applies to both male and female.
Lots of you have actually seen law enforcement treat crazy
women a lot more favorably than they would any man.
In fact, some of you have been hauled away because of a
psycho woman's accusations.
Let me be perfectly clear. I've actually been there myself.
One time my ex went ballistic, causing the neighbors to call
the police. And yes, it was ME who had a lot of splainin' to
do. I won out on that day, but it was a close call.
As such, the point of what I wrote was to plant a seed in
YOUR head, not throw a pity party for misdirected and/or
gender-biased law enforcement.
The law really is the law, regardless of how the police on
the street and/or the judges on the bench interpret it.
Therefore, regardless of what anyone else thinks, the first
person whose opinion needs to be swayed when it comes to
the idea of equal-opportunity legal rights and consequences
Yes, YOU.
The point is that we as men should not be rationalizing a psycho
woman's behavior simply because she's female and we're male...
Otherwise you're in for a rough, rough life. And that's a promise.
One side note there is it's dangerous to underestimate the
manipulative power of any mentally ill woman OR man. That
much is decidedly NOT gender specific.
It's not uncommon for some to have such a firmly held belief in
the legitimacy or even righteousness of their behavior that they
can confidently mesmerize others into agreeing that someone
else is to blame--even if their claims are flat-out preposterous.
That someone will likely be YOU.
I've personally seen outrageous statements made with such
utter personal charisma that it was dumbfounding.
If you're wondering how this can possibly be so, bear in mind
that these folks really, truly believe their own B.S.
Importantly, some people whose reality tends to differ from
that of everyone else around them have even been known to
pass polygraph tests.
Hopefully, the potential ramifications of everything I just
described are as scary to you as they are to me. And as
such, I sincerely trust you'll make it a point to AVOID
psychotic women.
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