[X&Y] "Dinner And Drinks...Then Sex?" [Question From A Woman]
Published: Tue, 11/19/24
Updated: Tue, 11/19/24
WHAT'S INSIDE: Audrey in Florida wonders aloud
about the whole pressure-packed "dinner date"
scenario and why it's what EVERY guy seems to
TOMORROW, 20th November @8pm EST (GMT -5)
Gentlemen, what's commonly referred to
as "the most wonderful time of the year" is
upon us.
But I fully get that for us as men in
particular it feels more like the most
FRUSTRATING time of the year.
Especially when it comes to women.
That's why finally--after three years--
tomorrow night's Masterclass For Men
is called Handle The Holidays:
TOMORROW, 20th November @8pm EST (GMT -5)
I realize if you Google this subject you're only
going to see VERY basic advice and random
opinions about "Cuffing Season".
But as a grown ass man navigating your lifestyle
with women, there's WAY more to consider.
And that's where I have your back.
For example, my solemn guarantee is that
this Masterclass will more than pay for itself.
Here's how...
I'll reveal practical secrets to gift giving,
planning your social life and even Holiday
Parties that will actually make everything
MORE fun while being far LESS costly.
And yes, I also guarantee women will LOVE
these ideas more than the typical routine.
More enjoyable, less frustrating.
More happy women, less money spent.
Check out the link below to see what all is
included and grab your ticket:
TOMORROW, 20th November @8pm EST (GMT -5)
This Masterclass For Men will cover
almost 100% BRAND NEW content.
And since it's being held a week earlier
than usual, you'll have PLENTY of time
to put all the ninja Thanksgiving strategies
I'll give you into motion.
You'll discover how to find the right woman
to spend next weekend with, what to do to
make it great, and have your FRIENDS pay
for most of it. (I know...crazy, right?)
And of course, you'll be more prepared than
you have been in your entire adult life for
Christmas (or Hannukah), New Year's Eve
and even Valentine's Day.
You'll even get my #1 tips for all of the
OTHER holidays that come around the rest
of the year.
Every holiday brings different challenges...
but you'll be ready, and actually have
more fun in the process than ever.
Unexpected "ambushes" by her family and
friends...especially when you've never met
them before.
Potentially awkward company Christmas
What to do if you just met her.
How to increase your chances at hitting the
jackpot on dating sites and apps this time
of year.
Plus, you'll get my unreal New Year's Eve plan
that makes you look like an absolute KING
(even to other dudes).
It's all in there...and SO much more:
TOMORROW, 20th November @8pm EST (GMT -5)
By now you've figured out this is not being
talked about ANYWHERE else.
That only means you will be the most amazing
man out there to the women you meet this
Holiday Season. Other guys concede this
whole season by default.
But it's almost THREE MONTHS between now
and Valentine's Day, so we're talking about a
full quarter of the year here.
If that doesn't underscore how important it is
to master The Holidays, I don't know what
So yes, tickets are going fast.
Get all the details and reserve your
seat here:
TOMORROW, 20th November @8pm EST (GMT -5)
Hello Audrey. Thanks for writing.
Since this is a newsletter primarily for men, I'm going to address
them directly in my comments, but rest assured that you'll find the
answers you are asking for in context.
So on with it, guys...let's have an up-front conversation here.
First of all, I trust you didn't miss the part above about how
Audrey is only 22 years old but has been led to believe for the
entire 12 years she's been in the US that "men pay for dates and
women return the favor with sex".
Oh, and that three dates is the deadline for the deal to be
In other words, this has been her understanding all the way back
since she was in 5th grade or so.
And even more intriguing is the simple fact that ALL her
girlfriends appear to believe this is "normal"...and pretty much the
default standard for dating in this culture.
Are you with me so far?
Alright then, next go and try to wrap your head around the fact
that Audrey appears to be a perfectly sane and pleasant young woman
who seems to LIKE MEN.
Don't get her wrong. She's not angry. She's not spiteful. She's
just FED UP, that's all.
And guess what?
As shocking as it may sound, I'd bet good money on the fact that
her girlfriends aren't exactly PLEASED with the established
routine either...they just FOLLOW a man's lead in terms of planning
dates--as they generally prefer to.
Does this mean that they all automatically fall in line and have
sex with every guy after the customary three dinner dates? Not
at all.
It simply means that they have come to EXPECT the same old drill.
Every. Single.Time.
Lookit...you just can't follow a formula when it comes to taking
women out and expect sexual "compliance".
I'd dare say that logic applies ESPECIALLY to THIS "formula".
After all, taking a woman out to a fancy dinner with an equally
fancy bill only serves to load up the PRESSURE on two people who
really should just want to get to know each other...preferably in a
more casual and relaxed setting.
But worse, it's NO WONDER that women like Audrey tend to feel like
sluts when confronted with sexual pressure in return for dinner and
After all, it's perfectly NATURAL that they would. The whole idea
is tantamount to prostitution...literally.
So female psychology aside, let's talk about YOU for a second.
How did guys like you and me come to believe we had to spend lots
of money in order to impress a woman and/or to leverage her into
sleeping with us?
Do WE like the pressure-packed dinner date any more than women do?
Do we particularly ENJOY training women to treat us like walking
ATM machines...which they WILL if they elect to actually participate
in playing the game of exchanging dinner for sex?
Thankfully, however, you'll probably not ever get around to having
to endure that brand of craziness.
That's because it's altogether more likely she'll just get creeped
out by the whole deal and not go out with you again.
And even if she DOES play along with the charade to the expected
conclusion, can we expect any sex that occurs to be fulfilling at
all if it's happening because of a "business deal"?
So then, one has no choice but to ask what genius came up with the
idea of the dinner date as the Gold Standard for dating?
Should we chalk it up to some weird combination of a perceived
societal need for courtship and utter lack of creativity?
Listen, my gut instinct tells me that you've ALREADY heard about
how bad an idea it is to take women out on dinner dates early on.
You've probably even already heard that paying for expensive
dinners tends to make perfectly decent women feel like whores if
they even KISS you as a direct result of your efforts.
Ultimately then, the most important question boils down to this:
We know we're paying too much money to go about things the wrong
I mean, even when Audrey opens her purse and pays half, it STILL
costs BOTH her and the guy she's with TOO MUCH.
Audrey, my guess is that most of the time you end up paying for
half a dinner date at a place that was more expensive than you
NEEDED or even WANTED to eat at, right?
So to wrap this up, I'm going to encourage you Audrey AND the
multitude of guys reading this to "just say no" to dinner dates
from now on.
Forget the pressure. Forget the games. Forget the hard feelings.
Just like you very eloquently but subtly mentioned, Audrey, you're
going to kiss the guy if you LIKE him The fact that you implied
that the whole dinner date thing is beside the point (at best) is
Go somewhere where the expectations aren't any higher than for good
conversation and the chance to build some honest, genuine chemistry
in the easiest way possible.
Go to the park, walk around the lake or meet downtown wherever
people gather in the evening or on a Saturday afternoon.
If you get hungry and want to grab a quick snack AFTER enjoying
each other's company for a while, that's fine.
And YES Audrey, you can make the alternate suggestion if the guy
leads with the same old, tired dinner date routine.
He might even be shocked, amazed and THANK you for what he
perceives as you letting him off the hook.
But whatever you do, make it ANYTHING other than go on an
expensive dinner date.
(Well, except the movies. Don't go there either.)

(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Forward this newsletter to a friend, and help
build this worldwide movement of over 100,000
men reclaiming their masculinity, standing as a
positive role model and deserving the high
quality women we want.
The Definitive Facebook Group For Men
about the whole pressure-packed "dinner date"
scenario and why it's what EVERY guy seems to
TOMORROW, 20th November @8pm EST (GMT -5)
Gentlemen, what's commonly referred to
as "the most wonderful time of the year" is
upon us.
But I fully get that for us as men in
particular it feels more like the most
FRUSTRATING time of the year.
Especially when it comes to women.
That's why finally--after three years--
tomorrow night's Masterclass For Men
is called Handle The Holidays:
TOMORROW, 20th November @8pm EST (GMT -5)
I realize if you Google this subject you're only
going to see VERY basic advice and random
opinions about "Cuffing Season".
But as a grown ass man navigating your lifestyle
with women, there's WAY more to consider.
And that's where I have your back.
For example, my solemn guarantee is that
this Masterclass will more than pay for itself.
Here's how...
I'll reveal practical secrets to gift giving,
planning your social life and even Holiday
Parties that will actually make everything
MORE fun while being far LESS costly.
And yes, I also guarantee women will LOVE
these ideas more than the typical routine.
More enjoyable, less frustrating.
More happy women, less money spent.
Check out the link below to see what all is
included and grab your ticket:
TOMORROW, 20th November @8pm EST (GMT -5)
This Masterclass For Men will cover
almost 100% BRAND NEW content.
And since it's being held a week earlier
than usual, you'll have PLENTY of time
to put all the ninja Thanksgiving strategies
I'll give you into motion.
You'll discover how to find the right woman
to spend next weekend with, what to do to
make it great, and have your FRIENDS pay
for most of it. (I know...crazy, right?)
And of course, you'll be more prepared than
you have been in your entire adult life for
Christmas (or Hannukah), New Year's Eve
and even Valentine's Day.
You'll even get my #1 tips for all of the
OTHER holidays that come around the rest
of the year.
Every holiday brings different challenges...
but you'll be ready, and actually have
more fun in the process than ever.
Unexpected "ambushes" by her family and
friends...especially when you've never met
them before.
Potentially awkward company Christmas
What to do if you just met her.
How to increase your chances at hitting the
jackpot on dating sites and apps this time
of year.
Plus, you'll get my unreal New Year's Eve plan
that makes you look like an absolute KING
(even to other dudes).
It's all in there...and SO much more:
TOMORROW, 20th November @8pm EST (GMT -5)
By now you've figured out this is not being
talked about ANYWHERE else.
That only means you will be the most amazing
man out there to the women you meet this
Holiday Season. Other guys concede this
whole season by default.
But it's almost THREE MONTHS between now
and Valentine's Day, so we're talking about a
full quarter of the year here.
If that doesn't underscore how important it is
to master The Holidays, I don't know what
So yes, tickets are going fast.
Get all the details and reserve your
seat here:
TOMORROW, 20th November @8pm EST (GMT -5)
Dear Scot and Emily,
Thank you very much for the insights. I really enjoy reading both
of your newsletters.
I don't know if you've taken up this topic before, but there's a
question that's been bugging me for a long time and I can't get a
straight answer.
Here is the scenario:
I've been living in the US for 12 years and time and again I've run
across this idea where apparently, after a girl has gone on a date
with a guy 1-3 times, she's expected to sleep with him because
well...he bought her dinner or drinks or whatever.
Because of that, I've never really allowed a man to buy me dinner
and have always insisted on paying my half because well...I don't
really know him (blind dates, etc.) and I don't think that it's
fair that he's got to buy me dinner, etc.
And then I really get infuriated when the mentioned guy hints that
I owe him because well... he didn't buy me dinner for nothing and
that makes me feel like a slut just to hear that.
(I never contact those men afterwards, but it doesn't change the
fact that I feel bad because well, they did spend money.)
By the way, my female friends tell me that it is normal to allow a
guy to buy you dinner, etc., and that it's not right for me to
insist upon buying my half (especially when I don't know the guy).
They think that there's something wrong with me, and I don't see
how they don't take offense to a guy letting them know that he
expects something in return from those dates (sex).
Of course, if I like the guy and we make out, that's a different
story, but I don't sleep with someone after 3 dates--I don't know
the guy and that makes me uncomfortable.
Have I missed a step here? Am I overreacting? Is that what I should
expect out of my generation? (I'm 22 years old).
Audrey in Florida
Hello Audrey. Thanks for writing.
Since this is a newsletter primarily for men, I'm going to address
them directly in my comments, but rest assured that you'll find the
answers you are asking for in context.
So on with it, guys...let's have an up-front conversation here.
First of all, I trust you didn't miss the part above about how
Audrey is only 22 years old but has been led to believe for the
entire 12 years she's been in the US that "men pay for dates and
women return the favor with sex".
Oh, and that three dates is the deadline for the deal to be
In other words, this has been her understanding all the way back
since she was in 5th grade or so.
And even more intriguing is the simple fact that ALL her
girlfriends appear to believe this is "normal"...and pretty much the
default standard for dating in this culture.
Are you with me so far?
Alright then, next go and try to wrap your head around the fact
that Audrey appears to be a perfectly sane and pleasant young woman
who seems to LIKE MEN.
Don't get her wrong. She's not angry. She's not spiteful. She's
just FED UP, that's all.
And guess what?
As shocking as it may sound, I'd bet good money on the fact that
her girlfriends aren't exactly PLEASED with the established
routine either...they just FOLLOW a man's lead in terms of planning
dates--as they generally prefer to.
Does this mean that they all automatically fall in line and have
sex with every guy after the customary three dinner dates? Not
at all.
It simply means that they have come to EXPECT the same old drill.
Every. Single.Time.
Lookit...you just can't follow a formula when it comes to taking
women out and expect sexual "compliance".
I'd dare say that logic applies ESPECIALLY to THIS "formula".
After all, taking a woman out to a fancy dinner with an equally
fancy bill only serves to load up the PRESSURE on two people who
really should just want to get to know each other...preferably in a
more casual and relaxed setting.
But worse, it's NO WONDER that women like Audrey tend to feel like
sluts when confronted with sexual pressure in return for dinner and
After all, it's perfectly NATURAL that they would. The whole idea
is tantamount to prostitution...literally.
So female psychology aside, let's talk about YOU for a second.
How did guys like you and me come to believe we had to spend lots
of money in order to impress a woman and/or to leverage her into
sleeping with us?
Do WE like the pressure-packed dinner date any more than women do?
Do we particularly ENJOY training women to treat us like walking
ATM machines...which they WILL if they elect to actually participate
in playing the game of exchanging dinner for sex?
Thankfully, however, you'll probably not ever get around to having
to endure that brand of craziness.
That's because it's altogether more likely she'll just get creeped
out by the whole deal and not go out with you again.
And even if she DOES play along with the charade to the expected
conclusion, can we expect any sex that occurs to be fulfilling at
all if it's happening because of a "business deal"?
So then, one has no choice but to ask what genius came up with the
idea of the dinner date as the Gold Standard for dating?
Should we chalk it up to some weird combination of a perceived
societal need for courtship and utter lack of creativity?
Listen, my gut instinct tells me that you've ALREADY heard about
how bad an idea it is to take women out on dinner dates early on.
You've probably even already heard that paying for expensive
dinners tends to make perfectly decent women feel like whores if
they even KISS you as a direct result of your efforts.
Ultimately then, the most important question boils down to this:
If taking women on dinner dates sucks for everyone involved, why on
Earth do we keep friggin' DOING IT?
We know we're paying too much money to go about things the wrong
I mean, even when Audrey opens her purse and pays half, it STILL
costs BOTH her and the guy she's with TOO MUCH.
Audrey, my guess is that most of the time you end up paying for
half a dinner date at a place that was more expensive than you
NEEDED or even WANTED to eat at, right?
So to wrap this up, I'm going to encourage you Audrey AND the
multitude of guys reading this to "just say no" to dinner dates
from now on.
Forget the pressure. Forget the games. Forget the hard feelings.
Just like you very eloquently but subtly mentioned, Audrey, you're
going to kiss the guy if you LIKE him The fact that you implied
that the whole dinner date thing is beside the point (at best) is
Go somewhere where the expectations aren't any higher than for good
conversation and the chance to build some honest, genuine chemistry
in the easiest way possible.
Go to the park, walk around the lake or meet downtown wherever
people gather in the evening or on a Saturday afternoon.
If you get hungry and want to grab a quick snack AFTER enjoying
each other's company for a while, that's fine.
And YES Audrey, you can make the alternate suggestion if the guy
leads with the same old, tired dinner date routine.
He might even be shocked, amazed and THANK you for what he
perceives as you letting him off the hook.
But whatever you do, make it ANYTHING other than go on an
expensive dinner date.
(Well, except the movies. Don't go there either.)


(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Forward this newsletter to a friend, and help
build this worldwide movement of over 100,000
men reclaiming their masculinity, standing as a
positive role model and deserving the high
quality women we want.
The Definitive Facebook Group For Men
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