[X&Y] Last Call: TONIGHT'S Masterclass...Handle The Holidays

Published: Wed, 11/20/24

Updated: Wed, 11/20/24



Masterclass For Men: Handle The Holidays

Tonight @8pm EST (GMT -5)

I know, it seems like The Holidays snuck
up on us again.

And with them, all of the new and "exciting"
complications to your success with women,

The first thing you'll notice is women are
in the throes of "cuffing season" (and
you're next, Big Guy).

If you've recently started seeing someone,
you'll inevitably get "ambushed" by her family
and friends.

Thanksgiving is only ONE DAY. How do you
make the best of it and the rest of the
long weekend?

Then come the company Christmas parties.

Next comes how to decide what to give her
as a gift.

Should you fly off somewhere for The Holidays
with her?

And just when you think you can come up for
air, it's time to plan New Year's Eve.

Then comes the infamous Valentine's Day

The weird part is even though The Holiday Season
is nearly three months long, there's practically
NOTHING out there to empower you to navigate it
like a champ.

That's where TONIGHT'S Masterclass For Men
comes in:


Masterclass For Men: Handle The Holidays

Tonight @8pm EST (GMT -5)

Seriously, on one hand women come out of the
woodwork looking for a man like you this time
of year.

But on the other hand, coordinating actual time
to spend together gets super weird about now,

The Holidays bring challenges we probably don't
even see coming.

Here are just a few of the main points
we'll cover:

 + The #1 secret to thinking like a
woman but acting like a man during The
Holidays, to the delight of women everywhere.

 + Understand female psychology around
The Holidays...and make it HER idea to "get
physical" with you.

 + Plan unforgettable wintertime first
meetings with women that make them
addicted to you.

 + How do you choose the right woman
to spend The Holidays with? Start with

 + What is the Holiday strategy if
you're dating multiple women?

 + What do you do if you think
a breakup is imminent? (It happens ALL
the time during The Holidays.

 + Practical steps to stop dreading
this time of year and get in on the FUN
instead. (HINT: The women are waiting)

 + How to outfit your place so you're
ready for ANYTHING during The Holidays.

 + The absolute BEST New Year's Eve
party idea of all time. (Put it to the test.)

 + And MUCH more...

We'll cover EVERY holiday from
Thanksgiving all the way through to
Valentine's Day.

And just for good measure, we'll also
cover strategies for all of the other
holidays throughout the year.

You'll be fully equipped to succeed
wildly with women during The Holidays
where other guys fail.

And remember, this Masterclass is
guaranteed to more than pay for itself
in savings on gifts, travel, party
expenses and the like.

In other words, you'll do more for less
...all Holiday Season long.

See the whole list of what's you can
expect tonight HERE:


Masterclass For Men: Handle The Holidays

Tonight @8pm EST (GMT -5)

As always, if you can't make it tonight,
you can still get in on all these secrets.

There will be a fully-stocked Download
Portal for you soon afterward.


Masterclass For Men: Handle The Holidays

Tonight @8pm EST (GMT -5)

Be Good,

Scot McKay

P.S. Be sure to secure your ticket at
least 15 minutes prior
to the starting
time. That will give you enough time to
receive the link and join the event.


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