[X&Y] WARNING: Don't Take Advice From These 5 People

Published: Sun, 11/24/24

Updated: Sun, 11/24/24


WHAT'S INSIDE: The past few days I've
revealed examples of BAD dating advice.
Now, let's talk about who NOT to get advice
from to begin with .



Have you been reading PUA advice from like
2004...and aren't particularly surprised the tricks
and tactics don't work so well 20 years later?

We've been through a lot since then.

Smartphones. #MeToo. Massive social changes.
Dating apps. OnlyFans. A worldwide Pandemic.

It only makes sense that the way to approach,
meet and attract women has to change with the

Based on recent in-field experiences interacting
with women, I've stumbled upon the most effective
NEW strategy:

"Yes, And..."

Not only does it WORK like a charm, NOBODY
else out there is doing it (yet).

Best of all, it's 100% transferable and replicable.
You can do this:

"Yes, And..."

It'll cost you less than a Starbucks date to gain
this knowledge...and you'll never look back.



For the last couple of days I've suggested not taking
advice from miserable people. 

But there's more to that topic.

Let's put it this way...

If you're trying to fix the transmission in a '92 Volvo I'm
probably the LAST guy you should come to for advice.

Similarly, if your plan is to architect an NFL-style
defense for the Pop Warner football team you're
coaching, I probably can't help you there either.

But having been immersed in the art and science
of dating and relationships for eighteen years now, I
trust I'm able to point you solidly in the right direction
toward success with women.

Experience be darned, however, that could also be
because I don't fit into any of the following five
categories of people who nobody should EVER take
dating advice from:

1.  Psychiatrists

I'll admit that years ago I flirted with the idea of getting my PhD
in counseling or something so as to serve you better.

Maybe I'll get around to doing that someday.

But one thing I'm definitely not going to do is become a

Yes, there may be an exception or two out there who are actually
pretty valid dating experts. My good friend Dr. Mark Goulston
comes to mind...but then again, he was world-class for decades
before his recent tragic passing.

But wow...if I had a fiver for every guy who's ever come to me
dateless because his psychiatrist has been acting as his "dating
doctor" I could buy a new pickup truck.


And don't even get me started about how "when the only tool you've
got is a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail".

To many, many psychiatrists every dating issue starts looking like
a psychosis...or worse, a drug prescription.

2.  "Naturals"

By now it's abundantly clear to you that I wasn't born with some
sort of silver spoon in my mouth when it comes to getting girls.

I got better with women by learning the hard way through LOTS of
trial and error.

And my guess is you wouldn't have it any other way.

You see, when a guy is a "natural" who has always been mobbed by
women wherever he goes, then he probably isn't be able to put a
finger on exactly why that's the case.

After all, he would never really have had to think much about it.

As such, it would be kind of difficult for him to impart his skills
to others.

So, in that context he just might end up giving random advice that
doesn't have any real cause/effect relationship.

For example, "Yeah, man... Get a few cats. Women LOVE dude
with cats."  Or, "Just be yourself." Great.

3.  Women Who Don't Like You

Let me get this straight..

She just told you that you're not her type when you went up and
introduced yourself to her.

Worse, you did something (or nothing) to piss her off so she
started saying mean things to you.

Then, as some sort of twisted coup de grace she offered some
"advice" to you regarding any future interactions with women you
might meet.

Are you actually going to take that advice?

I know that might have made you laugh, but I can't believe the
number of guys who actually follow suggestions from women
who don't give a rat's behind about them.

This can happen even within your social circle with women you
already know.  You just rub them the wrong way and in their
arrogance they try to "fix" you.

Remember always, unless you're seeing a pattern somewhere
over the course of your interactions with lots of women, what
you're dealing with here is ONE person's opinion.

She does NOT speak for every other woman out there,
especially if other women tend to actually like you.

4.  Relatives

The people who love you the most in this world probably also
are the ones who are the least likely to tell you the truth about
succeeding with women.

For example, I'm sure your mom and your grandma have told
you to be a "nice boy" and wear a tie on dates. You know, stuff
like that.

By now, you know that none of that works.

That's because it's virtually impossible for any woman who wears
the "mother" hat in your life to even think in terms of your
non-platonic "lover" exploits, let alone advise you about them.

A woman is either tuned in to one role or the other in your life,
but never both.

As for your Dad, chances are he had a hard enough time trying
to talk to you about the "birds and the bees".

Do you think he's going to risk any REAL awkwardness trying to
understand what you're truly dealing with when it comes to

I mean, let's hear it for dads who are better about this sort of
thing, but unfortunately they really are rare.

The only possible exception here might be if you're young and have
a big brother who happens to be good with girls.

But even then, watch what he does rather than listening to what he

5.  Misogynists

First off, negativity is contagious.

Second, women follow your lead.

Third, it's hard for them to like you when you don't like them
to begin with.

Add it all up, and it can only mean that if you take advice from a
man who hates women you're likely to fall into the trap of thinking
negatively about women yourself.

From there, women will follow your lead...and they won't like you.

You may laugh, but I'm repeatedly shocked by how many guys out
there appear to have an openly adversarial relationship with women
but call themselves "dating coaches". 

Oh, and "5a" here would be misandrists. They're no help either,
if that's not obvious enough already.  

Despite the list I just shared, there really are some great places
to get good, solid input on how to get better real-world results
with women

Obviously, a big part of my life involves making sure X & Y
Communications is one such outlet for you. But there are certainly
others, of course.

Basically, when you get down to it, the proof is in the pudding,

The best advice is what WORKS. For better or worse, that's not
necessarily to be confused with what sells, what sounds good or
especially what's comfortable.



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