[X&Y] Bumble Beatings?

Published: Sun, 12/22/24

Updated: Tue, 12/24/24



Too many men are quitting online dating...often right after
they start.

And they're having an even harder time with apps.

It seems to many men like the deck is stacked against

Say, for example, you get on Bumble because a "woman
friendly" app theoretically draws more women.

That should be a good thing, right?

But then you find out the hard way that the women who
are into making sure no men can write them first might
not be the most friendly, open-hearted ones out there.

Thus the "Bumble beatings" I've been hearing about.


What did you do to deserve such negativity, if you get
any attention at all?

At best, apps have reduced all of their users to mere
superficiality.  How is a real connection with a great
woman supposed to come from that?

Worse, the complacency has now extended to full-on
online dating sites.

Reality check:  Have you been encountering more
single-sentence profiles from women than ever before?

You know, "I'm just looking for my 'partner in crime',
so email me if you have any questions."

How are you supposed to find a woman who you
truly CONNECT with when even the women themselves
are voluntarily reducing their online presence to a
couple of pictures and a vapid generality?

Well, here's the fact of the matter...

If you are freaking MAN enough to boldly call-out
exactly who you are looking for...

...without any fear of "backlash" from troubled,
angry women you don't want to date anyway...

...you WIN.

First, you don't have any competition, because
like sheep 99.9% of all the other guys out there
have fallen into the same lazy trap of casting a
wide and tersely generic net.

Second, you get to bypass all that wasted time on
women who are no match for you.

Third, it's as if you've taken a MAGNET to the
proverbial "needles in a haystack" out there.

You might be SHOCKED by how many women are
perfect for you--once you shut all the "noise" out
and talk directly to THEM.

Sounds great, doesn't it?

It is.

And the best news is if you feel like you've been
spinning your wheels out there and are SICK of it,
I'm here to help.

Outsource your profile to me.  I'll ask you a few
quick questions about exactly the kind of woman
you are looking for, and then I'll work over 17
years' worth of magic for you:

Projection Profile -- Full Service

We'll write to the women you want to attract in a
way that makes them JUMP at the chance to meet

After all, the easiest way to find anything is when
that something is also looking for you.

That even applies to needles in haystacks.

Projection Profile -- Full Service

It's $197 USD to have me write your very own
Projection Profile for you.

Yes, I'll be writing an absolutely customized one
just for you.

That may not sound like a lot, all things considered.

But I don't have to charge more for custom work
because I'm very good at it by now and I work fast.

The method is proven to compel the very women
you want to meet to want to meet you as well.

But the actual words are based on YOUR input.

That way, you attract women who are right for
you, even as other men won't have a chance.



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