[X&Y] I Know For A Fact Mommy Kissed Santa Claus

Published: Wed, 12/25/24

Updated: Mon, 12/30/24



Okay, despite my ironic attempt at Christmas comedy
in the subject line, I'm not exactly up and around and
cracking jokes.

Most likely, I'm already getting a precious couple
hours of shuteye about the time this hits your mailbox.

When the kids go to bed on Christmas Eve around here,
Emily and I play "Santa" together. Those festivities just
concluded a few minutes ago.

Like most dudes, I'm not particularly a fan of wrapping

I am, however, a HUGE fan of making Emily giggle.

This year, that task was facilitated by a few Old
Fashioneds by the fire.

But we do take it slow on Christmas Eve and treat it
like "date night".

The Classic Christmas music channel was on in the
background, and what do you know...we completely
avoided Mariah Carey that way.

My sincerest hope is you also enjoy the company of
the hottest "Santa's helper" of your Holiday dreams.

And indeed, Merry Christmas to those of you who

Later on today, we're (weirdly) going to be watching
my beloved Ravens and cooking dinner. And that's
right AFTER my also beloved Spurs play earlier.

Merry Christmas to me, indeed...if I can stay awake!

So, how about you? What do you have going on this
afternoon? Are you allowing yourself a few hours of
sweet laziness, as we are?

Sounds like a perfect excuse to cash in your $20
gift card
if you haven't already, and take one step
closer to becoming a MACHINE with women:

Redeem By Using The Code: "giftcard20"

So far, the most popular choices have been
(predictably) the 3-for-1, the Un-Settled "Easter
Egg", The Women And AI/"Yes, And..." combo,
and the full year of Power Sessions e-mail coaching.

It's an honor and a privilege to work for so many
virtuous men of character like you who are all
about changing the world...with a great woman
by your side all the while.

Meanwhile, enjoy this day and spread the joy.

And here's a Holiday gem for you. If you've ever
wondered how to master the art of being smooth,
take it from this guy:


Merry Christmas from Casa McKay, y'all.



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