[X&Y] Are Women All Just Teasing Us?

Published: Wed, 10/02/24

Updated: Wed, 10/02/24

Are women really as "sexual" as some people say they are, or is it all just a ruse?


IN THIS EDITION:  Are women really as "sexual" as some people
say they are, or is it all just a ruse?



On the surface, you might think having a steady stream of women
flowing in and out of your life sounds good.

But wait a minute.  What if you actually find one you'd like to
keep around for a while?

Having total control over how you manage your relationships with
women is all-important.  Without it, you're doomed to history
repeating itself.

What you need is a plan for success with women that goes beyond
the first fifteen minutes after meeting her, to say the least.

After you get her number, then what? 

Not only do you want to start a great relationship off right, you want
to live the dream together.

The world-class combo of Get Together, Stay Together and The
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is the road map you're looking for:

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Truly, as crucial as this knowledge is to long-term success with
women, nobody else is teaching this stuff.



I think it's human nature to consider what's happening in our
lives and either assume or simply hope that our experience is
common to everyone.

Take for example the concept of whether or not women really enjoy

For guys who would like to be physical with a woman, but are as yet
unsuccessful at doing so, the easiest assumption to make is that
women must not enjoy sex at all. 

Certainly, this is the conventional wisdom among frustrated guys
everywhere, right?

I mean, you walk down the street and women LOOK amazing but
seem to be ACTING asexually, if you get right down to it. 

You often don't see them giving us any clear signs that we should
approach them, let alone dropping blatant hints that would suggest
they're up for anything sexual at all.

In fact, the only place you ARE likely to see women advertising
sexuality in a remotely public way is on some adult website or at
the local strip club.

All this, of course, fuels the market for books and programs
specifically designed to teach guys how to pick up strippers.

After all, if they're the only women demonstrating sexual openness
in one's neighborhood, then they must be the only ones who ARE
sexually open, right? 

And surely, then, they represent a guy's best chance at "getting

The multitude of other women out there?  Well they must all be part
of the supposed majority who just play "keep away" from men,
manipulating them with empty sexual promises just to get what they
want their whole lives...all at our expense as guys.  Right?

And worse, some of them even have the audacity to present
themselves in the most frustrating way possible.  The bikinis and
sundresses they wear during the summer, for example, are flat-out

So it's easy for a guy who isn't experiencing the success he wants
with women to automatically assume women are just teasing us. 

And the darkest result that can come from that thought progression
is we become bitter and resent women.

But guess what?  In most cases, it's NOT women's problem.

The truth, which can be either good news or bad news if you let it,
is that the vast majority of women out there are indeed ravenously
sexual beings.

And that's not all.

There's also even better or worse news, depending on how you look
at it:  It's up to US as guys to ignite that feminine sexuality and
gain "enthusiastic consent".

But like TNT, the fuse isn't going to light itself.

Imagine stepping out on the tarmac at the airport and finding an
Airbus A320.  

It's clean, freshly fueled up and even fitted with those cool
"sharklets" at the tips of its wings.  Although silent and stationary at
the moment, it WANTS to fly.

But if I sit behind the controls of the thing, it probably isn't going
to go anywhere.   It's not that I'm a worthless, powerless human
being.  Mostly it's because I've never flown anything bigger than
a Cessna 172, let alone have a Group 1 instrument rating.

To spell it out in plain English (or is that "plane English?") it's
not the plane's fault I can't fly it.

If I want it to stop "teasing" me badly enough, then I ought to
do what it takes to become proficient on that aircraft type.

Now, every one of us on Earth, man or woman, has our own
idiosyncrasies.  But generally speaking, most women are a lot like
that A320.

Most of them are parked on the tarmac wanting to FLY.

But nothing is going to happen until someone worthy steps up. 

Unfortunately for everyone involved, most guys don't ever learn
what it takes to ignite a woman's femininity. 

Instead, they either approach her as if walking up to the nose wheel
of that A320 and commanding it to "fly", or they just give up and
don't even bother.

Either way, the truth doesn't change.  The A320 is designed and
equipped to fly. Generally speaking, it does so quite well, I might

So how do you get to the point where you have the credentials to
be the man who brings out a woman's natural feminine sexuality?

The good news is you have the power within you right now, simply by
virtue of having been born a man.

But you DO need to wake up your understanding of what it means to
be a masculine, confident man of character who can in turn inspire
a woman's confidence in you, especially at the sexual level.



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