[X&Y] What To Do If It Didn't Go So Well Last Night
Published: Sat, 10/05/24
Updated: Sat, 10/05/24
WHAT'S INSIDE: How did your Friday night go? If it didn't quite
go as planned, here's something to encourage you.
I'm writing you on a Saturday morning here in The States.
While I know that plenty of you had a great evening out there with
a great woman last night, others of you are clicking open this
newsletter while your mind is swirling with frustration...again.
If that latter situation describes how you feel right now, this is
for you.
Whether you had a date that went awry or you sort of struck out
last night out there meeting women doesn't matter.
What DOES matter is that every Friday night from now on can--and
should--be different.
Have you ever come home from a night like that thinking women
have ALL the power when it comes to dating and attraction?
For example, maybe the thought crosses your mind that since getting
attention from guys is no big deal for a beautiful woman, we as men
relegated to chasing her in hopes she'll pick us while "rejecting"
all the rest.
Okay, so what if I told you Emily gets e-mails from women all the
time complaining that MEN actually have "all the power".
After all, in their minds they as women have to sit around and wait
for a guy to decide to approach them before they'll ever get a date.
If they're ever proactive in pursuit of a guy, the risk they'll look
"forward" or "easy" is just too great.
Fascinating, isn't it?
People from BOTH genders tend to think the OTHER gender has "all
the power".
But there's one very key negative mindset that everyone who thinks
that--male or female--has in common.
They see whoever they're attracted to as the choosers rather
than themselves.
Why do most of us as guys never, ever realize so many women
feel this way?
The answer is simple, but devastatingly poignant. It's because
the women who feel that way aren't the ones who are desirable to
us to begin with.
Therefore, they're all but invisible to us.
Put two and two together and you're likely to have a scary, scary
Could it be possible that if you think women "have all the power"
it might be because YOU are similarly invisible to THEM?
Confidence is sexy, desirable and very hard to ignore. Man
or woman, when you perceive yourself as a sexually powerful human
being your number of dating options tends to magically increase.
The best news for you this morning is that as a man you have full
control over this dynamic.
Women love a man who does the best with what he's got. They
follow his confident lead...and they not only let him keep all of his
masculine power, they celebrate him for doing so.
That's really a heavy thought.
So can you do this? Can you make the mind shift necessary to move
from throwing your hands up in frustration (and maybe even reveling
in it a little) to thinking of yourself as a leader women can get
excited about?
Your looks, your bank account, your stature, you age and your
ethnicity all have nothing to do with whether or not women will
sense your personal power and notice you from now on.
It's all about YOU and the decision YOU make.
You can continue to concede power to women or you take it
back for yourself--which is what they WANT you to do anyway
as a potential provider and protector.
P.S. So, you may be asking how to start turning things around.
First of all, you know I'm available to work for you as your personal
coach. E-mail me at scot@deservewhatyouwant.com if this
message has motivated you to move forward instead of staying
stagnant in your fortunes with women.
Second, if you'd really rather just dig in on your own and get this
part of your life handled, I'd highly recommend getting Invincible.
As mentioned yesterday, for the next 48 hours use this link when
ordering and I'll pick up half the cost for you:
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Forward this newsletter to a friend, and help
build this worldwide movement of over 100,000
men reclaiming their masculinity, standing as a
positive role model and deserving the high
quality women we want.
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