[X&Y] Beautiful, Cute And Sexy
Published: Mon, 10/14/24
Updated: Mon, 10/14/24
WHAT'S INSIDE: Ever overheard a woman wishing she was "beautiful"
instead of just "cute"? What's up with that?
instead of just "cute"? What's up with that?
I talked to yet another person yesterday who
hadn't heard of ChatGPT. I don't know why I
was so surprised, actually.
In a world where tech is moving at a breakneck
pace, it's easy to feel like you're WAY behind
trying to keep track of it all.
You may even be wondering why bother?
Well, in the case of AI (i.e. artificial intelligence)
there's good reason.
For several years now, AI has been subtly
affecting your "user experience" when it comes
to dating and relating to women.
Most of us have NO IDEA it has even been
But unless you have a halfway decent grasp
of how AI is being used, it just may be YOU
who feels "used" in the end.
The situation is serious enough that it warranted
a complete guide to how AI is being used RIGHT
...not just in dating apps, but in other ways you
might not even see coming.
That complete guide is my concise but hard-
hitting audio program Women and AI:
Grab Your Copy Here
Gentlemen...we no longer have the luxury of
being left in the dark about AI. Get all caught
up, and enjoy a distinct advantage over other
men who ignore the signs of the times:
Ignore At Your Own Risk
Want to grab a copy of the "Yes, And..."
audio I told you about yesterday AND
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"What on Earth do we need this newsletter for?"
Stay tuned. You may be in for a big surprise.
Although often used in similar contexts, these three terms
are not really interchangeable.
It's not only possible but also probable that a certain
woman may be one or both, but not all three.
Let's break it down:
1. Having qualities that delight the senses, especially the sense
of sight.
Below the above definition on dictionary.com, the phrase
"excites aesthetic admiration" qualifies it further.
So, when we find someone "beautiful" in the most visceral and
commonly used sense, we are recognizing said person as easy
on the eyes.
That said, a sense of overall sensual delight is implied in the
definition, allowing for beautiful music, a "beautiful soul", etc.
adj. cut·er, cut·est
1. Delightfully pretty or dainty.
2. Obviously contrived to charm; precious
If someone is perceived to be charming and precious, by
definition the beholder is enthralled and ascribes great worth
to him or her.
Now, notice here that the first definition specifically points to
feminine traits This would make "cuteness" in this regard
decidedly a female thing.
However, being "charming" is exactly what would cause a man to
be seen as a "cute guy"...unless, of course, the terms are getting
crossed up here, which is exactly what we're seeking to clarify.
Notice that being "cute" is not necessarily about physical
appearance. What it is about, concisely put, is "warm fuzzies".
"Cute" people endear us to them, filling our hearts with emotion.
They bring a smile to our faces and make us want to hug them.
Show any red-blooded woman pictures of kittens or baby ducks,
and you'll see this emotional response for yourself.
adj. sex·i·er, sex·i·est
1. Arousing or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest.
Someone who is 'sexy' arouses an animal sexual attraction. It's
that simple. No further explanation required.
OK, so how can we use this information?
For starters, I think it's crucial for us to know the difference
between these three adjectives and how they relate to not only
ourselves but our view of others.
Although they're clearly not interchangeable, they are very much
Know who you are and how that affects your world. Then, know
what you are looking for in the dating world and understand why.
Simply thinking about all of this with the lights on will help you
sort these somewhat subjective concepts out for yourself, but far
be it from me to leave you without some basic thoughts.
For example, I don't know how many times I've heard a woman
say, "I am SOOOO sick of hearing how 'cute' I am. Why can't I be
But "cute" is not a bad thing. Considering the depth cuteness has
relative to either "beautiful" or even "sexy" as pertaining to the entire
being, I could argue that cuteness rules over either of the other traits.
In fact, I personally consider cuteness in women to be a major pointer
to both beauty and sexiness. Not everyone is like me, but I know I
am not alone.
Sexiness is a trait that is best defined by those in a position
to be sexually attracted. If this sounds way too obvious, think
again. I've heard plenty of heterosexual women attempting to sort
this out with regard to other women. Usually, they are perceiving
cuteness or beauty as sexiness by default.
Or, on the contrary they may be considering another woman and
"wondering what men see in her"
Indeed, sexiness may very well be independent of cuteness or
physical beauty, and largely defined by archetypal, primal factors.
It is also entirely possible to be "beautiful" and yet be emotionally
uninspiring in either of the other two areas. Think of someone you
know who you realize is visually appealing, yet you just don't "feel
it" for her.
You got it...she's neither cute nor sexy to you. I mean, she LOOKS
good, but isn't exactly attractive.
For me personally, models in department store catalogs and Wal-Mart
circulars (i.e. anyplace other than the "sexy" lingerie shops like Victoria's
Secret) are often quintessential examples of what I am talking about here.
What category someone falls into is completely subjective, of course.
Not only do opinions vary between people, but these opinions are made
To sum it up, my humble opinion is that three completely different
emotions are driven by the three respective traits discussed.
Beauty drives admiration. Cuteness drives affection. Sexiness
drives desire.
Where are your priorities when it comes to all of this? One or two
above the other(s)? All three? None of the above? Are you sure?


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