[X&Y] 5 Foolproof Ways To Get Women To Approach You First
Published: Tue, 10/29/24
Updated: Tue, 10/29/24
WHAT'S INSIDE: Are there instances when you
really can get women to approach you? As it
turns out, the answer is a resounding "yes".
TOMORROW, 30th October @8pm EDT (GMT -4)
To be clear, I fully get that we already
think like men...because WE are men.
But where too many of us have lost our edge
is when it comes to thinking like a man who
And yes, we were BORN to win.
So what happened there?
For longer now than most of us have even
been alive, societal changes have been subtly
shifted us away from our primal masculine
This isn't evolution. It's DE-evolution.
I mean, the very part of our mindset that's
naturally attractive to women is what no
longer seems to come as "naturally" as it
The good news? You CAN get it back.
And because it's a MINDSET thing, there
are no complicated steps, tactics or even
habits involved.
The even BETTER news is once you get your
masculine mindset back in operation, the
effect on the FEMININE mindset will be both
TOMORROW, 30th October @8pm EDT (GMT -4)
Expect nearly 100% BRAND NEW content.
This will NOT be focused on how masculinity
and femininity themselves work, or even on
ideas directly related to the "big four".
That has all been covered elsewhere.
THIS time, we're going to turn all of our
attention toward how to THINK. New patterns,
new trains of thought, and bulletproof ways
to never get fooled again.
And yes, when you think like THIS, it's like
catnip to women. Your masculinity and your
presence become more OBVIOUS to women
than before.
TOMORROW, 30th October @8pm EDT (GMT -4)
This is advanced content, but it’s not
complicated. Most men simply don’t know how
to reclaim this mindset.
That’s their loss...and your gain.
Or should I say, YOUR WIN.
Tickets are going fast. Secure yours now:
TOMORROW, 30th October @8pm EDT (GMT -4)
As always, if you can't make it tomorrow
night, that's no reason to miss out.
All of these secrets will be available for
you in the Download Portal shortly
after the live presentation concludes.
And you'll still have the opportunity to ask
questions from there as well, of course.
Yesterday's newsletter on how women tend to advertise their interest
in us prompted a bunch of questions and comments from you.
A few of you are rock stars (literally, in one case) and were quick to
remind me that women really do throw themselves at some guys out
Well, if you're among that ridiculously exclusive crowd that's all well
and good.
It's just that the rest of us aren't rock stars.
As such, what I talked about yesterday remains true. Women
generally prefer to put themselves in our way rather than being
overtly forward.
They aren't often going to come whack you upside the melon with
a 2x4 and announce, "Hey stoopid...I'm into you."
But even though most guys habitually miss women's indicators of
interest, all is not lost.
Therefore, this newsletter is dedicated to lazy guys everywhere who
want to hit the "easy button" and bypass all of the chick whispering
Those, of course, are the guys who are going to prefer that women
do all the "heavy lifting" and approach them first, regardless of
what conventional wisdom suggests.
So here they are...five bona fide ways you can get women to
approach you for a change:
1. Be A Bartender Or Waiter
So you want to get your bar/club game in order? Try working at one.
Then again, if all the chumps out there persist in buying the
hottest women drinks, then that would obviate my point. You might
see fewer sexy chicks than you think.
As such, I might have to include "bouncer" on the A-list of must-
have jobs instead.
Whatever... Let's put you behind the bar and expect the best
anyway. After all, some hottie somewhere has got to be buying her
own drinks...um, right?
On second thought, why not just be a waiter? Go sling shrimp at
Red Lobster and serve Sailor's Platters all day to cuties.
But wait...you'd still have to approach them in that case, wouldn't
Here's a better idea, work in the kitchen. That way the waitresses
have to approach you constantly...all shift long.
2. Take Your Dog To The Park
Ingredients: One Dalmatian. One red scarf around the dog's neck.
One frisbee.
Combine into one local park and mix thoroughly.
Now that's a recipe for getting mobbed by women if I've ever seen one.
What, no Dalmatian? A Labrador, Shetland Sheepdog or Australian
Shepherd should do.
Or just take a Chihuahua and stand there holding it until someone
wants to pet it.
And if all else fails, at least you aren't going home alone...right?
3. Work At The Mall
What do women love more than anything? Shopping, of course. And
where are the most shops to do such shopping located? You guessed
it...the mall.
Don't even think about working at Champs or some other guy store,
And don't get your logic crossed up and go work at Fashion Bug or
something either. Only completely style-free women shop there.
But it's not like you can go to Petite Sophisticate and get a job
either. That's just flat-out creepy.
What you need to do is be the guy standing in the food court
handing out Chick-Fil-A. Hot women love Chick-Fil-A. And Orange
Juliuses too. I guess.
Nah, stick with Chick-Fil-A. The name says it all.
Never mind the fact that you're only getting minimum wage for your
trouble. This is about scoring the babes.
4. Babysit Your Niece And Go Public
First, get an older sister or brother. Next, make them have a kid
or two. Then, get the kid to grow up so she (preferably) is
From there, you've got about 18-24 months to get to babysittin'.
Dress the cute little girl up and take her where women tend to hang
out. Like Chick-Fil-A.
100% true story...I got mobbed by the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders
at ELP airport one day with this strategy.
Except the kid happened to be my daughter. And I was married to
her Mom. So no "digits". Bummer.
5. Wear A Red Shirt To Target
Now, let me be forthright. I don't have a lot of red shirts. After
all, red means "stop".
Nonetheless, one day I happened to "hit the Target" wearing one of
those red shirts.
If you haven't figured out the significance of this section yet,
people who work at Target wear red shirts.
And it's not even like they have a standard, company-issue uni or
anything. They just wear some red shirt they dug out of either the
closet or some freshman football player's locker.
This means that if the planets are aligned and you happen to drop
in the local Target with a red shirt on, you're fittin' to get
mobbed. By beautiful women. And by old guys who can't find the
But the point is, they're approaching you.
OK, by now you've probably figured out that this is a semi-serious
newsletter, at best.
With all the time we spend around here talking about "manning up",
my role as a dating coach to men is always going to be to encourage
guys to do the approaching.
I can't really expect you to sit here and listen to me blather on
about "women approaching you" with a straight face.
After all, if you're waiting around for women to approach you, you
might wait a long time (unless SHE'S the waitress...or a flight
attendant, I guess).
Even if you take the list I gave above seriously, you've got to
admit there are some "surgical procedures" involved.
You've got to be in the right place at the right time under the
right circumstances.
So why not avoid the hassle altogether and go talk to some women?
Make the first move. Be proactive. It feels better than wearing a
red shirt to Target.

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