[X&Y] 2025 Starts Wednesday, And You WILL Be Meeting Women
Published: Mon, 12/30/24
Updated: Tue, 12/31/24

IN THIS EDITION: What if you could get inside a woman's head and
figure out what she REALLY thinks about being approached by guys?
Can ordering up a half dozen or so women be as easy--and
fast--as ordering a pizza?
I know for a fact that it is. Well, except maybe for the "30
minutes" part...unless you type REALLY fast.
Better to relax and give yourself a couple of days, maybe.
Don't ask me, though. Ask the multitude of happy guys out there
who've gotten their hands on Online Dating Domination 3.0.
They're nodding their heads vigorously in agreement.
This Holiday Season has been weird in many ways, but definitely
NOT with respect to how much of an online dating bonanza it has
been so far.
But hey, we're not talking about pizza delivery here, we're
talking about meeting real, live women (fresh, hot SEXY ones,
So actually, you might want to ask THEM instead.
You know, those deeply satisfied hunnies who are THRILLED that
a real man finally showed up and rescued them from the flotsam
and jetsam that was clogging their inbox...
Let's get real here.
Right now, at this very moment, all of those women are probably
making "new year's resolutions" to finally meet someone exactly
like you.
Meanwhile, a ludicrously high percentage of dudes out there
will be sending them DUMB ASS first e-mails like "Uh..hello.
Wanna hook up?"
All they're getting in return is, well...they're getting NOTHING in
return, that's what.
Don't kid yourself. The women who EVERY guy is writing to are:
1) HOT
(Why is writing this making me crave pizza?)
The point is they all turned up online because they
CRAVE a man.
But they want one who knows what he's doing:
50% Off Special + The Man's Approach FREE
Online Dating Domination 3.0 turns you that guy who
comes out of NOWHERE in a halo of glory to sweep her
off her feet and carry her away.
..Away from those other knuckleheads who's profiles you'll
soon be mopping your bathroom floor with.
Those guys will seriously never know what hit them.
All they'll know is that they're still DATELESS...while you
run off with ALL the best women.
Which guy are you going to be?
Take it from the voice of experience: The ONLY way to
fly is in a "halo of glory":
50% Off Special + The Man's Approach FREE
Right now you can still get your very own copy of the full-on
"halo of glory" installation kit that is Online Dating Domination
...for an instant 50% off.
I'll also give you a side order of The Man's Approach for
FREE...just so you can meet women OFFLINE this coming
year as well.
And yes, just like the pizza, I guarantee it's on point and on
time or it's free. You get a full 365 days to decide.
Whatever you do, don't go hungry. Ordering up the hot stuff
is only a click away.
I spend quite a bit of time talking to women about what it's like
for them to interact with men.
Remember, Emily and I are both dating coaches, so there's a
list of thousands of women we write to. Many of them write us
Plus, I talk to my fair share of women live and in person, of
Taking all of the information I've gathered from so many women
into consideration, I've pulled together some shocking conclusions
regarding any "approach anxiety" you may be suffering from.
Let's get right to the list:
1) Women Usually Have No Idea Guys Deal With Approach
This was a revelation that seriously fried my circuits. The first
time I ever heard that most women are completely oblivious to
how men are generally afraid to approach women was from
Emily. I thought she had to be joking.
But it's no joke. I've asked numerous other women about this
since, and ALL of them confirmed what Emily reported.
Seriously, for most women, the idea of any man being "afraid" to
talk to them flat out doesn't compute.
Generally, they react with shock...as if they're so "dangerous" in
their dresses, high heels and French manicures.
So how do these same women tend to explain away the fact that like
97% of all men can barely manage a "hit and run" compliment, if
they even talk to them AT ALL?
It's simple. They assume those guys aren't really interested in
them to begin with, let alone attracted.
2) Women Are Stir-Crazy Because You Won't Approach Them
Somewhere along the line we as guys developed what can only be
described as an "us vs. them" mentality when it comes to women.
As I mentioned in this space recently, there's a constant stream
of subtle communication elsewhere in the world of men's dating
advice that MOTOS (members of the other sex) are somehow the
"enemy", requiring that we "target" them with various tactical
schemes, etc.
Thinking of women as some sort of "non human" species who can't
be figured out may soften the blow of rejection a bit by giving us an
easy excuse.
In other words, if you don't see a woman as simply another human
being like you to be social with, then it somehow doesn't hurt as
bad if and when that social interaction doesn't end well.
But as much as we pretend that women are some "alien" creatures
(from Venus, perhaps?) who are hard-wired to make life difficult
for men, here's the disarmingly simple truth:
Really, every woman is very human, just like you.
If she wins the lottery, she'll be happy. If her dog runs away,
she'll be sad.
As a matter of fact, I can solemnly promise you her genetics
are probably closer to yours than, say, to an orangutan's.
The only REAL difference is SHE'S feminine and YOU'RE
She wants to meet a guy like you every bit as much as you want
to meet a woman like her. Simply put, she's probably at a total loss
as to why you aren't introducing yourself to you.
Oh, by the way, if you think women are ever going to start "making
the first move" on your behalf, you have plenty to learn about how
women demand a guy who can LEAD...and that it is literally what
turns them on.
Which brings us to the next point...
3) You Pretty Much Control The Tone Of The Interaction
That's right, women not only respond powerfully to leadership from
a man, the highest quality women DEMAND IT, like I said.
And sure, women look at how much ambition you have as an indicator
of your long term leadership skills, but even in the moment a woman
is ALWAYS looking to you to take the lead.
I trust it comes as no surprise to you that as you lead in any situation,
women follow.
So if you are a nervous wreck and tripping all over yourself when
meeting a woman for the first time, SHE is going to start feeling
insecure also.
If you're nervous and awkward, she's going to respond to you in
kind. And raise you hand if you already know that making a woman
feel INSECURE in your presence is basically the fast-track to
getting NOWHERE with her.
Here's the crazy part, though.
Sure, women might expect some "nervous energy" when meeting
you, sort of in line with that anticipatory adrenaline rush that goes
with meeting someone exciting and new.
But remember, women generally are oblivious to approach anxiety's
basic existence.
So what is she thinking when you're completely freaked out? She's
likely to assume that's your authentic self, as if that's how you always
are in social settings.
Meanwhile, if you are confident socially and expect to be treated
well by any woman you meet, it's amazingly predictable how often
women will be comfortable with you, and treat you in the manner you
feel you deserve.
And that leads to this...
4) Most Women Are Only Rude To Guys Who Are Rude To
Them First
This is an extremely bitter pill for many men to swallow, but it's
the absolute truth.
There used to be several pickup guys out there teaching that if
a woman doesn't respond to you with a look of total shock and/or
disdain when you approach her, you're probably doing something
My first thought upon hearing this advice was that I haven't
experienced that scenario since about tenth grade.
Not even once.
That remains true to this day.
And yet, I've met plenty of women. It has almost always gone very
well. Go figure.
Guys, once again women are HUMAN. And they respond to your
leadership. If you're rude to them, it is NOT going to end well
for you, especially if you're interacting with high quality women.
If you approach women in an overbearing, obnoxious or arrogant
manner, expect to be responded to in kind. That's as simple as
it gets.
Want to engage in some playful banter if she seems to have that
kind of personality? That's different. But don't expect to insult
a woman's person OR her intelligence and create attraction. This
is not rocket science.
5) There's A Very Good Reason Why Many Women Think
Most Guys Are Jerks
Having read the previous four points, my educated guess is you
probably saw this one coming.
It's basically the logical conclusion to the discussion.
Why do so many women think so many guys are "I/Js" ("Idiot/
It's because those are usually the only guys who sack up and
approach them, that's why.
Seriously, most of us are extra careful not to "bother" women,
especially in light of current gender politics.
And yes, we may be utterly scared of rejection at our core, sure
But what keeps us from ever even trying to overcome that fear is
that we want to be polite.
We don't want to alarm or startle women by being a "stranger" who
approaches. We tell ourselves we're being respectful to women by
honoring their space and their privacy.
So then, what happens? Some of the most well-meaning guys are
literally hidden from a woman's social experience.
Meanwhile, it's often the guy without any regard for social constraint,
"sensitivity training", sexual harassment manuals, or even what
others think of him AT ALL who ends up being the one guy in fifty
who actually approaches any particular woman.
It's that brash disregard for social skill that causes such a guy
to not give a rip about outcomes. He may even THRIVE on getting
negative reactions from people (i.e. women).
So guess what? Women tend to meet a LOT of guys like that.
And it can't help but cause women to feel as if that's what MOST
guys must truly be like. After all, it's what most guys who they
meet ARE like.
But even so, most great women suspect there's MORE. They simply
want the high-quality guys to make themselves known.
Basically, women encounter VERY, VERY few guys who can pull off
that magical balance of being BOLD enough to approach her, yet
MAN enough to make her feel secure in his presence.
Yet, that's the ONE GUY they all dream about meeting. That's the
guy they so very much crave a MOVIE MOMENT with.
Will this information empower you to meet MORE women while feeling
LESS anxious about it? It most definitely should.
But as I've said before, I can pack your parachute and teach you
how to "arch, look, reach and pull".
But it's YOU--and ONLY YOU--who ultimately makes the decision to
jump out of the proverbial plane.
So you can stand at the doorway and look nervously at the Wild Blue
Yonder, or you can take the leap...and feel the rush that goes with
it. The difference here, however, is that when it comes to interacting
with women, there's no parachute involved.
You're the only moving part that can "fail to deploy" in this case.
Don't do that to yourself. A bold, new year awaits.


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