[X&Y] Are Women Using You? (Reader Question)
Published: Sat, 10/22/22
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: You're about to hear from a guy who feels like he totally messed everything up with a woman...so how can he get her to "come…
Scot McKay's newsletter on how to be a great man and get the girlfriend of your dreams
Published: Sat, 10/22/22
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: You're about to hear from a guy who feels like he totally messed everything up with a woman...so how can he get her to "come…
Published: Fri, 10/21/22
===== IN THIS EDITION: Can you be TOO "safe"? ===== IT'S TIME TO KISS HER, ALREADY... ...But how? And THEN what? The truth is more men are FAR better…
Published: Thu, 10/20/22
===== IT LOOKS LIKE I SHOCKED SOME OF YOU YESTERDAY Yesterday I announced this month’s Masterclass For Men, called “From Platonic To Se ual”:…
Published: Wed, 10/19/22
===== I thought about snappier titles for this month's Masterclass For Men like “From Nothing To Naked” or “Just Friends To Just Wow”. But From…
Published: Tue, 10/18/22
===== IN THIS EDITION: You've met a decent woman, but wouldn't you know it? She wants to "lock you down" way too quickly. ===== MOVE IT...AND MOVE HER…
Published: Mon, 10/17/22
===== IN THIS EDITION: Want to go e clusive with a certain woman you've been dating? Even if you're not at that point right now, you might be someday…
Published: Sun, 10/16/22
===== BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT A "BASKET CASE" Someone asked me a really good question the other day: "Hey Scot, when you picture the 'typical guy' who…
Published: Sat, 10/15/22
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: I believe "tomboys" are one of the most misunderstood types of women. It's high time we decoded what they're all about. =====…
Published: Sat, 10/15/22
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: Something occurred to me out of the blue today...and it really caused me to think (if a bit sarcastically...) ===== THE HUMAN…
Published: Fri, 10/14/22
===== THE REAL, HONEST WAY TO GET WOMEN TO WANT YOU Lately there have been videos circulating about using "loopholes", a few "simple words" and even…