[X&Y] It Holds You Back...But It's Not Real
Published: Thu, 08/01/24
Updated: Mon, 08/05/24
===== WHATEVER IS HOLDING YOU BACK...IT SHOULDN'T BE I'm a dating and relationship coach, as I've been for over eighteen years now. As such, I do what…
Scot McKay's newsletter on how to be a great man and get the girlfriend of your dreams
Published: Thu, 08/01/24
Updated: Mon, 08/05/24
===== WHATEVER IS HOLDING YOU BACK...IT SHOULDN'T BE I'm a dating and relationship coach, as I've been for over eighteen years now. As such, I do what…
Published: Wed, 07/31/24
Updated: Mon, 08/05/24
===== IT ALL HAPPENS TONIGHT, July 31st: Masterclass For Men: Be Your Most Attractive Self Tonight @8pm EDT (GMT -4) IT'S TIME TO EVEN THE PLAYING…
Published: Tue, 07/30/24
Updated: Mon, 08/05/24
===== IN THIS EDITION: You've met a woman, but she isn't e actly following your vision of how things should be progressing with her. Does that mean…
Published: Mon, 07/29/24
Updated: Mon, 08/05/24
===== IN THIS EDITION: You can run, but you cannot hide. You're going to be found out...one way or another. ===== WOMEN DO NOT WANT A MAN WHO…
Published: Sun, 07/28/24
Updated: Sun, 07/28/24
===== There are plenty of myths floating around men's dating and relationship advice. One of the most insidious ones is that you have to "win the…
Published: Sat, 07/27/24
Updated: Sat, 07/27/24
===== IN THIS EDITION: What you can REALLY e pect from having a great woman in your life, and a little incentive to make it happen THIS YEAR... =====…
Published: Sat, 07/27/24
Updated: Sat, 07/27/24
===== IN THIS EDITION: This is supposed to happen FOR you, not TO you. ===== NOTHING MATTERS MORE THAN HAVING THE RIGHT WOMAN IN YOUR LIFE I've been…
Published: Fri, 07/26/24
Updated: Fri, 07/26/24
===== ARE WOMEN NOT WRITING YOU BACK? If you've been writing women online and hearing NOTHING in return but crickets chirping, you're not alone. That…
Published: Thu, 07/25/24
Updated: Thu, 07/25/24
===== NOW ORDERABLE: PROJECTION PROFILE - FULL SERVICE https://www.deservewhatyouwant.com/ppfs First things first... Yes, it's true. These days I…
Published: Wed, 07/24/24
Updated: Wed, 07/24/24
===== IN THIS EDITION: Making a woman feel safe and comfortable in your presence is one of the "big four" ways to make a high quality woman adore…