[X&Y] Secrets That Work Shockingly Well On Women...
Published: Sat, 08/05/23
===== SHE'LL *NEVER* TELL YOU ABOUT THESE SECRET WAYS TO TURN HER ON What if I shared with you some simple secrets to turning any woman on, none of…
Scot McKay's newsletter on how to be a great man and get the girlfriend of your dreams
Published: Sat, 08/05/23
===== SHE'LL *NEVER* TELL YOU ABOUT THESE SECRET WAYS TO TURN HER ON What if I shared with you some simple secrets to turning any woman on, none of…
Published: Fri, 08/04/23
===== IN THIS EDITION: You have been asking for specific e amples of how to "ignite femininity" when you are with a woman. Here are ten. ===== FIND A…
Published: Thu, 08/03/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: Can you really attract women if you flat-out dislike them? ===== ALL OF THE WOMEN...NONE OF THE EFFORT To get the women other men…
Published: Wed, 08/02/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: Why are most of us so petrified to approach women, even if we live in a massive metropolis with millions of people around us?…
Published: Tue, 08/01/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: If you suspect something just isn't right between you and a certain woman you know, you should pay attention. ===== IMMEDIATE…
Published: Mon, 07/31/23
===== IN THIS EDITION: Can it be possible that Emily and I have such a terrific relationship, or am I "blowing smoke"? ===== IT'S "BLACK FRIDAY" ON…
Published: Sun, 07/30/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: Is your fashion sense (or lack thereof) holding you back when it comes to success with women? If you had to think about your…
Published: Sat, 07/29/23
===== IN THIS EDITION: Wait until you find out what guys who don't do online dating can learn from online dating sites. ===== SOLVE THE PUZZLE If all…
Published: Sat, 07/29/23
===== IN THIS EDITION: You want a hot girlfriend? Well, here comes the guilt trip...especially from women who aren't so se ually attractive. =====…
Published: Fri, 07/28/23
===== IN THIS EDITION: How about we completely re-arrange some established "meet women" advice? ===== IF YOU RESONATE WITH THE MESSAGE, HERE'S MY…