[X&Y] 2 Or 3 Out Of 4 The "Big Four" Ain't Bad...Right?
Published: Tue, 08/22/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: Do you really NEED to have all of the "big four" going for you in order to meet women? ===== MY RESULTS GUARANTEE: I WILL BE THE…
Scot McKay's newsletter on how to be a great man and get the girlfriend of your dreams
Published: Tue, 08/22/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: Do you really NEED to have all of the "big four" going for you in order to meet women? ===== MY RESULTS GUARANTEE: I WILL BE THE…
Published: Mon, 08/21/23
===== WHAT'S HOLDING YOU BACK? If you're like most guys I've gotten to know over the years, you're not e actly a "basket case". You have a solid…
Published: Sun, 08/20/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: Will she resent you, or shower you with presents? ===== GET PAST EVEN THE MOST UNIQUE STICKING POINTS It's simple. Success can…
Published: Sat, 08/19/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: Here's proof positive of why you have GOT to have solid relationship management skills. If you don't, something crazy like what…
Published: Sat, 08/19/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: You have a steady girlfriend and are even thinking about marrying her. What should your reaction to various other women in your…
Published: Fri, 08/18/23
===== IN THIS EDITION: Have you ever been on a first meeting with a woman and found yourself needing a bit more information before deciding to go for…
Published: Thu, 08/17/23
===== IN THIS EDITION: Just about everyone who's been dating for any length of time says, "I'm sick of playing games"...but not everyone defines said…
Published: Wed, 08/16/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: Hey, you may be a true "big four" man through and through. But if you reach for the WRONG words when interacting with women…
Published: Tue, 08/15/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: Okay, you've got her out on a date with you. Is she ready to be kissed? ===== "FLEX" SESSIONS AVAILABLE Have you done a coaching…
Published: Mon, 08/14/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: How can you really tell if a woman is interested in you or not...without potentially making a fool of yourself? ===== EVERY MAN…