[X&Y] A Fate Worse Than The "Just Be Friends Zone"
Published: Sat, 05/27/23
===== IN THIS EDITION: Are you willing to sacrifice your very dignity for a woman's companionship? ===== YOUR #1 SEX QUESTION ANSWERED, ONCE AND FOR…
Scot McKay's newsletter on how to be a great man and get the girlfriend of your dreams
Published: Sat, 05/27/23
===== IN THIS EDITION: Are you willing to sacrifice your very dignity for a woman's companionship? ===== YOUR #1 SEX QUESTION ANSWERED, ONCE AND FOR…
Published: Fri, 05/26/23
===== DOES IT FEEL LIKE YOU'RE SPINNING YOUR WHEELS? These newsletters give a large audience of guys solid info on getting better with women. But what…
Published: Thu, 05/25/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: Here's Part Two on why it's important for couples to be both "alike" and "opposite" in order to genuinely attract each other long…
Published: Wed, 05/24/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: Once and for all, let's settle it... Do people who are more alike attract each other or is it really true that "opposites…
Published: Tue, 05/23/23
===== IN THIS EDITION: Few things spell out certain doom for a relationship as much as this subtle but sinister mindset. ===== ONCE YOU MEET A WOMAN,…
Published: Mon, 05/22/23
===== IN THIS EDITION: By now, you already know "settling" for less than you want in a woman is a bad idea. But until now, you've only heard HALF of…
Published: Sun, 05/21/23
===== SITTING THIS ONE OUT Despite all the technological advances we have nowadays, we all still have too much going on. That means certain areas of…
Published: Sat, 05/20/23
===== WHAT'S INSIDE: What's the one area of life where we absolutely tend to look at things in the opposite way that we do everything else? Wait until…
Published: Sat, 05/20/23
===== IN THIS EDITION: You don't always have access to all the information you think you need, do you? The good news is neither does everyone…
Published: Fri, 05/19/23
===== IT'S TIME TO GET THE SUCCESS WITH WOMEN YOU DESERVE The fastest and most focused results come from 1-on-1 coaching, without e ception. Maybe you…